Voltar Together for Stronger Communities

Purpose: Encouraging a sense of belonging and connection so that everyone can play their part in achieving Bradford’s ambitions

Stimulus/Rationale: A greater sense of belonging and connection within a place makes people stronger, happier, healthier and more prosperous while leaving space for diversity and difference. The priorities and measures identified in the Stronger Communities Together Strategy promote how everyone has an essential part to play in the district, impact directly on our strategic priorities and help Bradford to achieve its ambitions.


Bradford has developed its Intercultural Strategy (Together for Stronger Communities 2018-2023) and the corresponding action plan after extensive consultation with citizens. The consultation was both quantitative and qualitative and involved the use of the following methods:

1. Board tables for feedback and prioritization

2. Focus Groups

3. Open-ended/Open composition commissions to explore broader views on integration

4. Online Surveys (conducted in the community)

5. Vox Pops

6. Recorded one-to-one interviews

The Stronger Communities Together strategy’s team will manage an innovation fund that will solicit proposals for innovative and collaborative projects in the area of integration and interculturalism in the broadest sense (i.e., including all forms of social integration - e.g., intergenerational, economic, sexual and disability). These funds will be allocated through participatory budgeting.

Additionally, as a way to specifically address the challenge of representation at the higher level, Bradford launched the initiative “Council’s Future Leaders Experience”. This is a yearlong programme of learning, development, skills, shadowing, mentoring and networking for 20-40 employees at all levels within the organisation and beyond. A significant proportion of the Future Leaders participants have been from a minority background.


Key reference documentsBradford Stronger Communities Together Strategy

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