Training-of-Trainers (ToT) in preparation for the launch of HELP course on bioethics, Minsk, 3-4 April 2018
Training-of-Trainers (ToT) in preparation for the launch of HELP course on bioethics, Minsk, 3-4 April 2018
In preparation for the launch of the HELP course on bioethics in Belarus, a first of its kind, Training-of-Trainers (ToT) of the HELP Programme was held in Minsk, Belarus on 3-4 April 2018.
The participants included 25 professionals from medical and legal fields. The course was introduced by the national tutor Mr Vladimir Maroz and two international HELP trainers: Ms Ekaterina Sherer and Ms Ekaterina Alisievitch.
Alongside the presentation of the HELP courses and interactive exercises on online distance learning and adult learning methodology, the main aim of the ToT was to raise the participants’ awareness on the HELP methodology and HELP e-learning platform.
Participants of the training stressed the importance of the interdisciplinary dialog between medical and legal professionals and exchangeв contacts for the purpose of the common work in future.
The activity was organised in co-operation with the Institute for retraining and qualification upgrading of judges, prosecutors and legal professionals at the Belarusian State University. It was implemented in the framework of the the Project "Bioethics: Protection of human rights in biomedicine" and the Project “Human Rights for all”.
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