France and the Council of Europe – bringing human rights from the conference table to your kitchen table
The Council of Europe works for you. We want to give visibility to the role, standards and work of the Council of Europe in its member states, to show how Council of Europe membership has helped achieve particular results or changes. Our aim, through a variety of events and actions, is to highlight ways in which the Council of Europe’s action has helped improve the life of individuals and contributed to improving people’s enjoyment of fundamental rights.
Pap Ndiaye, Ambassadeur, Représentant permanent de la France auprès du Conseil de l’Europe
Whether it is the impact of the European Convention on Human Rights at national level, or the Council of Europe's work in many fields, such as working to abolish the death penalty or to ensure freedom of expression and freedom of the media, or to adress online and technology-facilitated violence against women through the Istanbul Convention and Budapest Convention on Cybercrime, the Council of Europe has achieved a lot since 1949. View achievements »
26-28 August 2024
- Some 250 students from 29 member states gathered in Strasbourg from 26 to 28 August 2024 for the 2nd edition of the Council of Europe Model of Negotiation (CoEMoN). “We need to defend democracy every day, everywhere, because in a blink, we can lose it” said Sara Kakhi taking part in the simulation from the University of Strasbourg and Julien Georgin, from Jean Moulin University 3 in Lyon, referred to the dangers for democracy in his debate contributions. The event (CoEMoN) was organised by the Federation for Diplomacy and the United Nations (FDNU) with the support of the Permanent Representation of France.
January 2024
- Series of example-based videos launched by the Permanent Representation of France to the Council of Europe to outline its mission to safeguard citizens’ rights through its work at the Council of Europe. The video series, #KézaCoE, is a pun that stands for “Qu’est-ce que le Conseil de l´Europe/ What is the Council of Europe”. Follow #KézaCoE on: Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn.
12-14 June 2023
- Council of Europe simulation deepens students' understanding. Students Mathieu Bailly (University of Toulouse II Jean Jaurès, France) and Giulia Pascuzzi (University of Palermo, Italy) spoke about their experience at the PACE and CM simulation, where political sciences students, in CoE HQ, played the roles of members of Parliament and member states' representatives in preparing recommendations on different topics of priority for the CoE. The event was organised in cooperation with the PACE and CM Secretariats as well as student associations and followed the example of similar UN initiatives. Cultural and touristic side-events promoting the CoE’s values were also organised.