Indietro Brussels: the Congress and the European Committee of the Regions organise a joint conference on the prevention of corruption

Brussels: the Congress and the European Committee of the Regions organise a joint conference on the prevention of corruption
In the framework of its anti-corruption Roadmap adopted at its 31st session, the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe and the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) will host a conference on 'the role of local and regional authorities in preventing corruption and promoting good governance' on 28 February 2017, in Brussels. The joint conference will address the strategies and showcase good practice as well as the benefits of cooperation at local and regional levels. Participants will examine the issue of public ethics at local and regional levels, in the context of the Congress’ work to revise the European Code of Conduct on the political integrity of local and regional representatives, adopted in 1999. This event will provide the opportunity to develop a comprehensive approach to corruption prevention, and will include interventions from local elected representatives, academics and civil society representatives. This conference is open to the public and the media. 

More information - Web page
Press release          
CoR Brussels 28 February 2017
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