Indietro Congress observed Cantonal elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Congress observed Cantonal elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina

A Delegation from the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe carried out an election observation mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina from 4 to 8 October 2018, to observe, specifically, the elections of the ten Cantonal Assemblies in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the vote in the Brčko District scheduled for 7 October 2018, as a part of the general elections organised on this day in the whole country.

Prior to the Election Day, the Congress Delegation, headed by Stewart DICKSON (United Kingdom, ILDG), Thematic Spokesperson on observation of local and regional elections, attended meetings with various interlocutors, including the Central Election Commission, representatives of political parties and candidates running in the elections, as well as representatives of the media and civil society.

The Delegation participated in special briefings on the Cantonal elections with Dr. Suad ARNAUTOVIC, member of the Central Election Commission, with the Congress Independent Expert on the European Charter of Local Self-Government, Prof. Jens WOELK, and also attended joint general preparatory briefings with the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and with OSCE/ODIHR.

On the Election Day, nine Congress teams monitored the electoral procedures in selected polling stations in all Cantons of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the Brčko District.


Congress Delegation:

Members of the Congress:

Mr Stewart DICKSON, United Kingdom (GILDG), Head of Delegation/Rapporteur, Congress Spokesperson on the Observation of Local and Regional Elections

Ms Aldis HAFSTEINSDOTTIR, Iceland (ECR), Deputy Head of Delegation/Co-Rapporteur

Ms Henrietta BERO, Hungary (EPP-CCE)

Mr Robert BIEDRON, Poland (SOC)

Ms Violetta CRUDU, Republic of Moldova (EPP-CCE)

Mr Josef FREY, Germany (SOC)

Ms Daniela GIANNONI, San Marino (NI)

Mr Robert GRUMAN, Romania (EPP-CCE)


Mr Jani KOKKO, Finland (SOC)

Mr Jean-Pierre LIOUVILLE, France (SOC)

Mr Luc MARTENS, Belgium (EPP-CCE)

Ms Randi MONDORF, Denmark (ILDG)

Ms Rosaleen O’GRADY, Ireland (ILDG)

Mr Vladimir PREBILIC, Slovenia (SOC)

Ms Christina BINDER, Congress Expert on observation of local and regional elections.


Press contact:

Renate ZIKMUND Portable: +33 (0)6 59 78 64 55
Elections Bosnia & Herzegovina 01 October 2018
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