Indietro Congress observed regional and municipal elections in Morocco

Congress observed regional and municipal elections in Morocco

A Congress delegation carried out an electoral assessment mission from 7 to 9 September to the Kingdom of Morocco. The country was granted the status “Partner for Local Democracy” by the Congress in 2019. The Congress was invited by the authorities of Morocco to observe regional and municipal elections which took place on 8 September, concurrently with the parliamentary elections.

The delegation is composed of Congress members represented on the Council for Democratic Elections/Venice Commission, including Ms Gunn Marit HELGESEN, Norway (R, EPP/CCE), Ms Randi MONDORF, Denmark (R, ILDG), and Mr Vladimir PREBILIC, Slovenia (L, SOC/G/PD), accompanied by the President of the Chamber of Local Authorities, Bernd VÖHRINGER (L, EPP/CCE). The team is supported by Professor Tania GROPPI, member of the Group of Independent Experts on the European Charter of Local Self-Government.

On Election Day, 8 September, four teams of Congress observers were deployed to the cities of Rabat and Casablanca and their surroundings, as well as to the two regions.

The mission was preceded by remote preparatory meetings with representatives of Moroccan associations of regional and municipal authorities, representatives of the National Human Rights Council of Morocco (CNDH), as well as representatives of the international community, civil society and the media.

A delegation from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe observed the conduct of the parliamentary elections on the same day.


See also:



Head of the Department of Statutory Activities, External Relations and Cooperation, SAERC
Congress of Local and Regional Authorities
Portable: +33 (0)6 59 78 64 55 -

Observation of elections Morocco 2 September 2021
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