Indietro Cultural heritage, a tool for development around common values

Cultural heritage, a tool for development around common values

The Congress Current Affairs Committee adopted a report prepared by co-rapporteurs Barbara Toce (Italy, SOC/G/PD) and Eirini Dourou (Greece, SOC/G/PD) on cultural heritage management for local and regional development, on 16 September 2020, during an online meeting.

"Cultural heritage management is not only about preserving the material assets of our societies. It must also be a tool for improving social cohesion and intercultural dialogue," said Ms Toce. " Cultural heritage can help us recognise and promote the values that we have in common: democracy, human rights and the rule of law. It is also a real tool for sustainable socio-economic development," she explained, stressing the role and responsibility of local and regional authorities.

The report focuses on the understanding of cultural heritage as tangible objects on the one hand, and as intangible practices, knowledge and experiences on the other. It also highlights the lack of tools for the preservation of intangible cultural heritage and the lack of inclusive governance schemes. Furthermore, the establishment of both quantitative and qualitative indicators would make it possible to measure its impact and ensure its sustainability in the long term.

The Draft Recommendation encourages national authorities to adopt a "responsible tourism" approach and to financially support major European cultural heritage initiatives, such as the European Capitals of Culture or the Council of Europe Cultural Routes.

"We want to contribute to changing the perspective on cultural heritage. It must be an inclusive concept. Europe is going through an identity crisis that sometimes leads to different communities being pitted against each other," stressed co-rapporteur Eirini Dourou. "The diversity of cultural heritage can unite Europeans around common values," she concluded, inviting those countries that have not yet done so to sign and ratify the Faro Convention and the European Landscape Convention.

The Current Affairs Committee contributed to cultural issues with several resolutions adopted by the Congress, including a resolution on intercultural and interfaith dialogue and a resolution on Jewish cemeteries calling on local authorities to protect, preserve and maintain burial sites.

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Sedef Cankoçak, tel. +33 3 88 41 30 25

See also:

Current Affairs Committee- 16 September 2020

Current Affairs Committee Strasbourg, France 16 September 2020
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