Indietro Eirini DOUROU: “Faced with the migration phenomenon, responsibility sharing and solidarity are requirements”

Eirini DOUROU: “Faced with the migration phenomenon, responsibility sharing and solidarity are requirements”

“According to recent figures provided by the UNHCR, the number of persons arriving in Greece by sea rose by 33 % in the first three months of 2018 as compared to the same period in 2017. Similarly, in Spain the arrivals by sea have doubled between 2016 and 2017,” warned Eirini DOUROU (Greece, SOC), presenting the report on “Border regions facing the migration phenomenon” at the meeting of the Congress Current Affairs Committee on 19 June 2018.

“Currently we perceive borders rather as “barriers” and not as “spaces of contact” between cultures and people.  This must change.  We must start to see borders as chances, not challenges,” she added, underlining the role of local and regional authorities in border regions which are “the first port of call in any emergency”.

The resolution and recommendation based on this report were approved by the members of the Current Affairs Committee and will be adopted at the 35th Session (6 - 8 November 2018). The Congress calls on regional governments to strengthen cross-border cooperation, share responsibility between and within regions, collaborate with local stakeholders and use the guidelines and best practice examples developed by local government networks in the field of integration. 

The Congress also asks member States to establish a reliable legal framework that clearly distinguishes between local, regional and national competences. “This again does not only apply to vertical efficient interaction but also to cooperation between border and hinterland regions,” highlighted Eirini DOUROU, insisting on the need for greater solidarity, for a mechanism of responsibility sharing, and for adequate financial resources.

“National authorities must ensure that responsibility is equally shared between border and hinterland regions, meaning that newcomers are fairly distributed within the member States to disburden border regions,” underlined Eirini DOUROU.

This report is in line with the work of the Congress which had already adopted two reports on migration issues: in March 2017, on “The role of local and regional authorities facing migration” and, in March 2018, on “Unaccompanied refugee children: the role and responsibilities of local and regional authorities”.

Current Affairs Strasbourg, France 19 June 2018
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