Indietro First day of the session: Ukraine, hate speech, smart cities and regions, women and children refugees, and local democracy in Denmark

First day of the session: Ukraine, hate speech, smart cities and regions, women and children refugees, and local democracy in Denmark

On the first day of the 43rd Session, on 25 October 2022, the Congress held a debate on the Russian Federation’s war against Ukraine, with the (online) participation of the Mayor of Kyiv, Vitali Klitschko, and the Ukrainian Minister for Community and Territorial Development, Oleksiy Chernyshov. "We are defending Ukraine, but we are also defending European democratic values," they told the Congress. In his communication, the Congress President, Leendert Verbeek declared that the Congress is unfailingly committed to the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine, within its internationally recognised borders and we will continue to extend our unwavering support to Ukraine and its people.

Addressing the Congress members on the same day, on behalf of the Irish Presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, Peter Burke, Minister of State for Planning and Local Government stated that “the Committee of Ministers shares the strong position of the Congress which stands in solidarity and support for the Ukrainian nation, its people and its authorities”. The Lord Mayor of Dublin, Ms Caroline Conway, drew attention to the critical and unique role of local and regional governments in “providing leadership in our uncertain times, in assisting those fleeing war and strife, in fighting climate change and biodiversity loss, in standing up for democracy". She also highlighted a number of initiatives undertaken by her city to support Ukrainian refugees, and expressed the solidarity of Dublin, Ireland and the European continent as a whole with the people of Ukraine.

Among the other themes debated was the report on “Hate speech and fake news: the impact on working conditions of local and regional elected representatives”, prepared by co-rapporteurs Wilma Delissen Van Tongerlo (Netherlands, ILDG) and Kristoffer Tamsons (Sweden, EPP/CCE). The report called for strengthened inter-institutional coordination, the training of elected officials, and the development of guidelines for the prevention of disinformation and hate speech. The report on “Smart cities and regions - prospects for a human rights-based governance approach”, prepared by Tony Buchanan (United Kingdom) and Jan Markink (Netherlands, ILDG), underlined the importance of ensuring the compliance of new technologies and artificial intelligence tools with human rights, democracy and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. In addition, the Congress adopted a report on the reception of women and child refugees in Europe’s cities and regions prepared by co-rapporteurs Annika Vaikla (Estonia, ILDG) and Bernd Vöhringer (Germany, EPP/CEE), which underlined the limits of mass reception facilities and proposes good practices for local authorities regarding housing, healthcare and education. The Special Representative of the Secretary General on migration and refugees, Leyla Kayacik, called for local and regional authorities in Europe not to be left alone to in ensuring the protection of refugee women and children. “The involvement of all relevant stakeholders is necessary,” she said.

Furthermore, the Congress adopted a report on the situation of local democracy in Denmark. Co-rapporteurs Xavier Cadoret (France, SOC/G/PD) and Carla Dejonghe (Belgium, ILDG) expressed great satisfaction with the implementation of the European Charter of Local Self-Government in Denmark, citing it as an exemplary model for other member States, but call on the Danish authorities to ratify the Additional Protocol to the Charter as soon as possible. Additionally, the Congress adopted the draft resolution on the Revised Code of Good Practice on Referendums, presented by rapporteur Vladimir Prebilic (Slovenia, SOC/G/PD), which updates the guidelines for ensuring fair referendums.

The same day, the Congress members elected Mathieu Mori as new Secretary General of the Congress, for a 5-year term as from January 2023.

 Congress calls on all its networks of towns, cities and regions to co-operate with Ukraine

 Speech by V. Klitschko

 Speech by O. Chernyshov

 Video of the debate: Original - English - French

 Speech by M. Mori

 Video of the election

 Mediabox interview with Mathieu Mori

 See also: Russian Federation's war against Ukraine | dedicated page

43rd Session

AgendaWeb file Multimedia (Live webcasts, interviews, videos and photo)

Strasbourg, France 26 October 2022
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