Indietro Human Rights Handbook for Local and Regional Authorities aimed at promoting social rights at local level

Human Rights Handbook for Local and Regional Authorities aimed at promoting social rights at local level

Following the publication in 2018 of the first volume of the Human Rights Handbook for Local and Regional Authorities on the right to non-discrimination of refugees, asylum seekers, migrants, IDPs, Roma and Travellers and LGBTI people, the Council of Europe Congress of Local and Regional Authorities has just published the second volume, which focuses on social rights.

This new volume addresses the issues of health, education, work, housing and social security, protection, inclusion and integration and presents good practices implemented at local and regional level regarding these issues, in particular in connection with the COVID‑19 pandemic. The various issues are illustrated with some 65 projects and initiatives developed in local and regional authorities from 27 Council of Europe member states, supplemented by recommendations aimed at developing solutions tailored to citizens’ needs.

Social rights: The Monitoring Committee adopts a Human Rights Handbook for Local Elected Officials – News 2020 (

  Download the second volume of the Human Rights Handbook: English - French

See also:

Human Rights Strasbourg, France 26 February 2021
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