Indietro International Day of Peace : Statement by the President of the Congress, Leendert Verbeek

International Day of Peace : Statement by the President of the Congress, Leendert Verbeek

On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, the President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, Leendert Verbeek, issued  the following statement: 

"For more than seventy years, since WWII, our continent has worked to build a democratic Europe, respectful of human rights and the rule of law, a unified Europe, of increased cooperation, and above all, a Europe of peace.

This construction has stood firm, despite regional conflicts and the war in the Balkans, but it is now being severely shaken by the war started by Russia against Ukraine. The world has become more dangerous since this nuclear power trampled on all the principles of international and multilateral cooperation to choose war.

The respect of the rule of law and the fulfilment of obligations under international law by democratic states are the foundation of peace. The community of democratic nations must do everything in its power to ensure that in this conflict the international law is respected, the aggressor be held accountable, and that justice be served to the victims.

Without justice, there can be no lasting peace.

Peace is the ultimate goal towards which all societies strive. Strengthening the democratic resilience and sustainability of our societies can contribute to it.

Cities are often the first experience of democracy for citizens. They can put in place participatory and inclusive strategies within their communities to encourage direct contact and exchange, ensure equal access for all to public services, combat discrimination and nurture the political will to resolve conflicts and sustain peace.

On the international stage, city diplomacy is an essential element in promoting conflict prevention and resolution, as well as post-conflict reconstruction.

Peace can never be taken for granted. New wars can break out, new threats to peace can emerge or existing conflict situations can deteriorate. Building and keeping peace are long-term undertakings. It is up to all of us, whether politicians, at all levels, or ordinary citizens, to work together to achieve them."

International Day of Peace Strasbourg, France 21 September 2021
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