Indietro Local democracy in Malta

Local democracy in Malta
On 29 March 2017, the Congress’s Chamber of Local Authorities adopted a recommendation on local democracy in Malta following a monitoring visit from 22 to 24 November 2016. This is the third monitoring report since Malta ratified the European Charter of Local Self-Government in 1993. The report was prepared by the co-rapporteurs Stewart Dickson (United Kingdom, ILDG) and Risto Rautava (Finland, EPP-CCE). The co-rapporteurs expressed satisfaction with certain amendments made to Malta’s legislation, improving local democracy, since the last official monitoring visit in 2010. Local governance in Malta faces numerous challenges, however, in terms of non-compliance with the provisions of the European Charter of Local Self-Government, said Stewart Dickson, presenting the report to the Chamber of local Authorities. The Congress is particularly concerned about the lack of explicit or direct recognition of the principle of local self-government in domestic legislation and in the Maltese Constitution. The report also mentions the excessive involvement of central government in local affairs. The overall situation with regard to local democracy in Malta is exacerbated by the lack of meaningful consultation between central government and local authorities, explained Stewart Dickson.  

Press release
Report CG32(2017)02
Presentation by Stewart Dickson
Presentation by Dr Stefan Buontempo
Video of the debate
Interview with Stewart Dickson
File: 32nd Session of the Congress          
monitoring Strasbourg 29 March 2017
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