Indietro Marc Cools: “Local good governance and active citizenship are the best guarantors for change in Ukraine”

Marc Cools: “Local good governance and active citizenship are the best guarantors for change in Ukraine”
Outlining the principles enshrined in the European Charter for local self-government to 30 local councillors from the Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Kharkiv and Lugansk regions, Marc Cools, Rapporteur on local and regional democracy in Ukraine (Belgium), stressed the need to further strengthen the implementation of the principle of subsidiarity in Ukraine. This was underlined by Yuliya Svitlychna, Vice-President of the Congress (Ukraine), having added that: 'Decentralisation ensures the transfer of financial resources and powers to the local level, therefore enhancing the responsibility of local councils. It is one of the successful reforms currently implemented in Ukraine'.
governance Ukraine 18 May 2017
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