Indietro Monitoring visit by the Congress to Poland

Monitoring visit by the Congress to Poland

A delegation from the Congress carried out a monitoring visit to Poland from 5 to 7 June 2018. The delegation  examined the situation of local and regional democracy in the light of the provisions of the European Charter of Local Self-Government, ratified by the country in 1993.


Rapporteurs on local and regional democracy, Mr David BARO RIBA (Andorra, NI-NR) and Mr Pascal MANGIN (France, EPP/CCE) focused on the developments in the field of local and regional democracy occurred since the adoption of the last Congress recommendation, on 26 March 2015.


Meetings were scheduled, in particular, with Mr Paweł SZEFERNAKER, Secretary of State of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration, Mr Tomasz ROBACZYŃSKI, Undersecretary of State of the Ministry of Finance, Mr Adam HAMRYSZCZAK, Undersecretary of State of the Ministry of Investment and Economic Development, Ms Maria KOC, Deputy President of the Senate, Mr Ryszard TERLECKI, Vice-Speaker of the Sejm, Mr Krzysztof KWIATKOWSKI, President of the Supreme Audit Office (NIK) and Dr Adam BODNAR, Commissioner for Human Rights.


The delegation held discussions with the National Delegation of Poland to the Congress and members of associations of local and regional authorities of Poland. The rapporteurs also exchanged views with Mr Michał OLSZEWSKI, Deputy Mayor of Warsaw, and the representatives of local and regional authorities of the region of Łódź, the city of Łódź, Łódź East County and municipality of Nowosolna.


The draft report and recommendation will be examined and submitted for approval at the Monitoring Committee meeting in November 2018 before its submission for adoption by the Congress Session in March 2019.

Poland ratified the European Charter of Local Self-Government in 1993. The countries which have ratified the Charter are bound by its provisions. The Charter requires compliance with a minimum number of rights, which form the European bedrock of local self-government. The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities makes sure that these principles are observed. 



Svitlana PEREVERTEN, Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, Co-Secretary to the Monitoring Committee, Phone: +33 (0) 3 90 21 64 27, E-mail:

Strasbourg 31 May 2018
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