35th session of the Congress: integrity and ethical behaviour of local and regional elected representatives

35th Session 11 October 2018 Strasbourg, France

The members of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe met in Strasbourg, France, from 6 to 8 November 2018 at their 35th session on the theme of “Integrity and ethical behaviour of local and regional elected representatives”. The Congress examined, for adoption,...

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Congress members renewed the presidency of the Congress on 6 November 2018 in Strasbourg, France. They elected Anders KNAPE (Sweden, EPP/CCE) President, Gunn Marit HELGESEN (Norway, EPP/CCE) President of the Chamber of Regions and Xavier CADORET (France, SOC) President of the Chamber of Local Authorities. The three Congress committees also held elections, with Gabriele NEFF (Germany, ILDG) and Leendert VERBEEK (Netherlands, SOC) being re-elected Chair of the Current Affairs Committee and Chair of the Monitoring Committee respectively, while Robert GRÜMAN (Romania, EPP/CCE) was elected Chair of the Governance Committee.

Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers: “The European Charter of Local-Self-Government is a major achievement of the Council of Europe”

35th Session 7 November 2018 Strasbourg, France

“These are, undoubtedly, difficult times. At the European level, at the national and local level and also at an institutional level. Pan-European challenges are more present than ever,” said Marija Pejčinović BURIĆ, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign and European Affairs of Croatia,...

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Safeguarding integrity among local and regional elected representatives

35th Session 7 November 2018 Strasbourg, France

Conflicts of interest, transparency, open government and Code of Conduct regarding local and regional governance: four reports were adopted on these issues during the 35th Session of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg (France) on 7 November 2018....

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Consolidating the institutional role of the Congress to better defend local and regional democracy

35th Session 7 November 2018 Strasbourg, France

On 7 November 2018 the Congress adopted a recommendation which included several proposals for the reform of its political functioning. The aim is to consolidate its institutional role as a guarantor of local and regional democracy within the Council of Europe, while strengthening its capacity to...

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Indietro Safeguarding integrity among local and regional elected representatives

Safeguarding integrity among local and regional elected representatives

Conflicts of interest, transparency, open government and Code of Conduct regarding local and regional governance: four reports were adopted on these issues during the 35th Session of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg (France) on 7 November 2018.

Presented by Manuela BORA (Italy, SOC), the “European Code of Conduct for All Persons Involved in Local and Regional Governance” sets out the principles which should guide the activities of those involved in local and regional governance and emphasises the need for mechanisms to enable those principles to be implemented. In the resolution adopted, the Congress calls on local and regional authorities to adopt the Code and, indeed, itself adopted, during the debate, a Code of Conduct for its own members. It also calls for the design of educational programmes to identify potential ethical risk areas, in particular conflicts of interest.

A complex and multifaceted concept, according to Peter JOHN (United Kingdom, SOC), Congress rapporteur, conflicts of interest are also one of the most common forms of corruption. Among the courses of action proposed by the Congress are setting up independent ethics committees to review members’ financial activity and policies to promote disclosure of information prior to any public request.

The concept of “open government” is an effective way of dealing with these risks, in particular when it comes to budgeting, law making and service delivery. That was the message from Andreas GALSTER (Germany, EPP/CCE), presenting the report. “A number of conditions must be met for government to be open and more effective: transparency, which is about making information available and comprehensible to the public, participation, which allows people to influence the workings of their government, and accountability, which allows them to hold their government accountable for its actions,” he explained.

These texts are part of the roadmap of activities for preventing corruption and promoting public ethics at local and regional levels. The aim is to provide a range of responses and tools to help local and regional authorities deal with the challenges facing them in terms of integrity and public ethics. 



** 35th Session of the Congress **

File 35th Session - Agenda - Videos and photos - Mediabox

35th Session Strasbourg, France 7 November 2018
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