Indietro Congress President addressing the Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers: “The Congress is determined to contribute to the defense of the common values of the Council of Europe”

Congress President addressing the Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers: “The Congress is determined to contribute to the defense of the common values of the Council of Europe”

During the ceremony of transfer of the Chairmanship from the Czech Republic to Denmark in the Committee of Ministers, which took place on 15 November 2017, the President of the Congress Gudrun MOSLER-TÖRNSTRÖM thanked the Czech Foreign Minister Lubomir ZAORALEK - for the openness, the cooperation and the priority given to local and regional democracy during the Czech chairmanship .She wished the incoming Danish Chairmanship all the best for the next six months. “The Congress will support the Danish priorities, namely human rights, gender equality, involvement of children and young people in democracy and the fight against discrimination of persons with disabilities and we would be happy to welcome you to our March 2018 session” she said to Anders SAMUELSEN, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Denmark. Ms MOSLER-TÖRNSTRÖM recalled the Congress's will to actively participate in a concerted manner within the Council of Europe for jointly achieving the objectives of the Organisation's activities. “The pooling of experience, responsibilities and efforts at all levels of governance, which we promote at the institutional level, is a reflection of what we defend on the ground, in our member States.” she said calling for a strong, ongoing dialogue between the local and regional authorities and the national governments “to find together the answers that will ensure the security and stability of our societies”.


File: Danish Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers and grassroots democracy

COMMITTEE OF MINISTERS Strasbourg, France 15 November 2017
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