The project contributes to strengthening the institutional capacities of the Association of Ukrainian Cities (AUC) to deliver better services to its members and advocate for their common interest. In addition, the project supports regular and effective consultation mechanisms between local authorities, their national associations, and the national authorities, thereby contributing to genuine decentralisation in Ukraine.

This support includes, among others, the provision of expertise on open government, public ethics and human rights; peer review and capacity building activities; and expert analysis of draft laws in the field of local self-government to advance the integration of European standards of local democracy and good practices in Ukraine.

Following the recommendations of the Baseline assessment of the institutional position of the AUC and the elaboration of the Midterm Strategy on institutional development, the Association is implementing a grant provided by the Congress to improve services to its members, integrate the principles of openness, transparency and equal opportunities in its activities and policies, enhance its analytical capacities, strengthen its advocacy and communication, and mainstream gender equality in all of its activities.

This thematic area directly contributes to the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals 11 (Sustainable cities and communities), 16 (Peace, justice and strong institutions) and 17 (Partnership for the goals).

The Memorandum of Understanding [English | Ukrainian], signed on 25 September 2018, emphasises the commitment of the AUC and the Congress to improving the quality of local democracy in Ukraine by strengthening institutional frameworks, promoting a constructive dialogue between all stakeholders, and ensuring participatory processes throughout the ongoing decentralisation and local self-government reform in Ukraine.

The Community of practice on local democracy in Ukraine is a flexible platform to share experiences and good practices among national associations of local and regional authorities on issues of their common concern (such as advocacy, financial sustainability, communication with members, etc.). Participants will also explore venues for co-operation and the importance of establishing an effective consultative mechanism with national authorities.

Congress Secretariat in Strasbourg

Marité MORAS
Head of Unit - Co-operation Activities

Svetislav PAUNOVIĆ
Project Co-ordinator