Two sets of thematic regional seminars will be organized in order to give the opportunity to local elected representatives from all over the Country to meet and discuss issues related to local democracy and the decentralisation process.

These events will include peer-to-peer exchanges with local elected representatives from other parts of Europe and Congress members; local and international experts will also participate in order to enhance the dialogue and nurture constructive discussions.

Thematic Regional Seminar



Fostering Local Democracy in Armenia

9 September 2014


Fostering Local Democracy in Armenia

11 September 2014


Citizen Participation and Accountability

June 2015


Citizen Participation and Accountability

June 2015


''Local Democracy in Armenia: Call to Government''

The Communities Association of Armenia, the Communities Finance Officers Association, and the Association of Municipal Councillors publicly presented the document "Local Democracy in Armenia: Call to Government" to the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Emergency Situations on 21 January 2015. The ''Call'' summarises suggestions of 150 community heads and councillors from 10 regions of Armenia collected during two seminars conducted in September 2014 in Gyumri and Sisian, and organised by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe. During the seminars, participants discussed Recommendation 351(2014) on local democracy in Armenia, adopted by the Congress on 26 March 2014. The Call compiles proposals and concerns of the communities on the subsidiarity principle, administrative-territorial reforms, inter-municipal co-operation, finance and taxes, role of councillors and citizen participation.

More information
Local democracy in Armenia: Call to Government [pdf]

Autonomy, resources and responsibilities: priorities according to Armenian local elected representatives

Over 150 mayors and municipal councillors from all the provinces (marzes) in Armenia came together at two seminars on "Promoting local democracy in Armenia" held by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe in Gyumri and Sisian on 9 and 11 September 2014. They discussed measures which could be taken at central and local level with a view to effective implementation of the Congress recommendations adopted in March 2014. The priority requests emerging from the discussions included the need for administrative reorganisation, increased financial resources, greater autonomy for local authorities and broader responsibilities for local authorities and municipal councillors. These points will be set out in an "Appeal to the government of Armenia" and could serve as the basis for a programme of reforms.

Press release  
Announcement to the press and reference texts