“Cultural Route of the Council of Europe” certified in 2024

The European Route of Historical Pharmacies and Medicinal Gardens recounts the development of botanical and pharmaceutical medicine in Europe through sites that played a crucial role in the history of medical knowledge. Medicinal gardens were places where herbalists cultivated and studied plants with healing properties. Treasures of biodiversity, these gardens continue to preserve ancestral knowledge. Historical pharmacies, with their collections of antique bottles, recipe books and medical instruments, reflect the evolution of pharmaceutical science. Combining cultural and natural heritage, this route invites visitors to explore exceptional botanical landscapes while delving into the history of medicine. It promotes a historical heritage that is a source of memory, cultural identity and sustainable human development.



Since the 15th century, historical pharmacies and medicinal gardens have been found in monasteries, convents, hospitals, towns, and communities across Europe. This route is a journey between religious and secular environments, reminding the traveller that the history of  “materia medica” (a concept that encompasses the heritage and memory associated with the tradition of pharmacopeia) is inextricably linked with that of humanity. It guides visitors in the footsteps of this cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible, which dates back to the ancient cultures of the Mediterranean and the Middle East, and which persists to this day throughout Europe in our contemporary practices.


Travelling today

This route allows visitors to discover the history of pharmacy in Europe by exploring medico-pharmacological knowledge and traditional practices related to medicinal plants, which are an integral part of our heritage and remain essential to the health of Europeans. Visitors can enjoy immersive experiences, both on-site and virtually, in medicinal gardens and historic pharmacies and access often inaccessible places. This route covers the whole continent, incorporating specific and significant sites from various countries, creating a common thread that evokes our shared roots.

  Council of Europe values

The legacy of Historic Pharmacies and Medicinal Gardens contributes to raising awareness and knowledge of a shared European memory, history, and heritage by fostering cultural ties and dialogue among Europe's diverse countries and regions. This route aims to protect and promote the rich heritage of Europe's medicinal legacy and cultural identity, enhancing sustainable development through a sensitivity to both natural and cultural heritage. The historical context of pharmacies and medicinal gardens not only underscores the universal right to health and well-being but also preserves the cultural diversity and identity that are essential in a democratic society.


AROMAS ITINERARIUM SALUTIS - The European Route of Historical Pharmacies and Medicinal Gardens
c/o Facultat de Geografia e Història , Universitat de València, Av. De Blasco Ibañez, 28
SP-46010 València (SPAIN)
Tel: +34 96 39 83 668


Ester ALBA PAGAN, President

Official website

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