Indietro 2023-2024 Certification Cycle underway: applications now open

2023-2024 Certification Cycle underway: applications now open

Certified Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe are subject to regular monitoring and evaluation procedure through independent expert reports and recommendations. In the framework of the 2023-2024 Certification Cycle, 9 certified Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe will undergo the process of regular evaluation:

  1. Santiago de Compostela Pilgrim Routes
  2. The Hansa
  3. Via Francigena
  4. Routes of El Legado Andalusi
  5. Iron Route in the Pyrenees
  6. Routes of the Olive Tree
  7. Iter Vitis Route
  8. European Route of Historic Gardens
  9. Via Romea Germanica

Each year, the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe programme sees a number of new cultural route networks applying for certification. In order to be eligible for certification by the Council of Europe, cultural routes must comply with the certification criteria established in CM/Res(2013)67 revising the rules for the award of the Cultural Route of the Council of Europe certification.

The call for applications for certification as “Cultural Route of the Council of Europe” for the 2023-2024 Certification Cycle is now open until 31st July 2023. Cultural Routes networks interested in applying should notify their intention to apply to the Secretariat by sending an official letter in English or French to the attention of Mr. Stefano Dominioni, Executive Secretary of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe and Director of the European Institute of Cultural Routes, (by email to no later than Friday 28th April 2023. Upon reception of the letter, the Secretariat will provide interested candidates with the 2022-2023 certification form, instructions on how to submit the application and an invitation to a dedicated training seminar and an advisory meeting.

More information: “Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe” certification

3 April 2023
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