Indietro Azerbaijan: National Advisory Meeting on Cultural Routes

Azerbaijan:  National Advisory Meeting on Cultural Routes

On February 28-29, the National Advisory Meeting on "The Potential of Cultural Routes in Azerbaijan" was held at the International Mugham Center in Baku (Azerbaijan). The event was organised by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Mr. Abulfas GARAYEV, Minister of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan, welcomed the participants underling how Cultural Routes contribute to the promotion of Azerbaijani cultural heritage, intercultural dialogue, cultural innovation and creativity, in a European perspective.



© Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Member since 2011, Azerbaijan is one of the founding States of the EPA. Azerbaijan is crossed by 5 of the 38 Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe: European Route of Jewish HeritageRoutes of the Olive Tree, Iter Vitis RoutePrehistoric Rock Art Trails and European Route of Historic Thermal Towns.

Over 300 high-level representatives of the national public sector, representatives of the private sector and local industry, and  a number of cultural institutions attended the two-day Meeting.

Mr. Stefano DOMINIONI, Executive Secretary of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe (EPA) and Director of the European Institute of Cultural Routes, presented the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe Programme and underlined the event held  by Azerbaijan as a model for promoting participation at national and local level.  Mrs. Gunel ASLANOVA, Head of Department for Folk Art and Cultural Routes Development of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan, highlighted opportunities for the development of Routes and the “Cultural Route of the Council of Europe” certification for Azerbaijan cultural and heritage sectors.


© Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan

The workshops and trainings on Cultural Routes which took place on 29 February were designed in order to provide stakeholders from Azerbaijan concepts and practical tools for capacity building and the development of Cultural Routes. It addressed aspects ranging from co-creation of a Cultural Route, fundraising, governance, branding and the “Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe” certification. The training was delivered by Mrs Carolina Clark, EICR Project Officer, and Mrs. Catherine LLYOD, Coordinator of the European Route of Historic Thermal Towns, certified Cultural Route of the Council of Europe since 2010.

© Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan

On February 29, the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Abulfas GARAYEV met with Mr. Stefano DOMINIONI to discuss future co-operation opportunities and stress the long-standing cooperation between the Council of Europe and the Republic of Azerbaijan in the framework of the Cultural Routes Programme e and the relevance of holding the National Advisory Meeting on the potential of Cultural Routes for the Country.

© Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan


The complete live stream of the first day of the Meeting is available here.

For further information on the Meeting and its complete programme, visit the dedicated webpage.


Media Coverage:

Bakıda “Azərbaycanın mədəni marşrutlar potensialı” mövzusunda respublika müşavirəsi keçirilib (Baku hosted a National Conference on the potential of Azerbaijan's Cultural Routes) / Azertag (VIDEO, in Azerbaijani), 28 February 2020

Ölkənin mədəni marşrutlar potensialı  (The potential of the country's Cultural Routes) / (VIDEO, in Azerbaijani), 28 February 2020


“Azərbaycanın mədəni marşrutlar potensialı” mövzusunda Respublika müşavirəsinə yekun vuruldu (National Meeting on “The Potential of Cultural Routes of Azerbaijan” concluded) /  Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan (in Azerbaijani), 3 March 2020

Avropa Şurasının mədəni marşrutları Azərbaycanda: ən yaxşı milli təcrübələr (Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe in Azerbaijan: best national practices) / Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan (in Azerbaijani), 3 March 2020

Avropa Şurasının mədəni marşrutları Azərbaycanda: ən yaxşı milli təcrübələr (Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe in Azerbaijan: best national practices) / (in Azerbaijani), 3 March 2020

Avropa Şurasının mədəni marşrutları Azərbaycanda: ən yaxşı milli təcrübələr (Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe in Azerbaijan: best national practices) / (in Azerbaijani), 3 March 2020

Avropa Şurasının mədəni marşrutları Azərbaycanda: ən yaxşı milli təcrübələr (Cultural Route of the Council of Europe in Azerbaijan: best national practices) / (in Azerbaijani), 3 March 2020

Əbülfəs Qarayev Mədəni Marşrutlar üzrə Avropa İnstitutunun direktoru Stefano Dominioni ilə görüşüb (Abulfas Garayev meets with Stefano Dominioni, Director of the European Institute for Cultural Routes) / Azerbaijan Press Agency-APA (in Azerbaijani), 29 February 2020

Əbülfəs Qarayev Stefano Dominioni ilə görüşüb (Abulfas Garayev met with Stefano Dominioni) / Azerbaycan24 (in Azerbaijani), 29 February 2020

Əbülfəs Qarayev Stefano Dominioni ilə görüşüb (Abulfas Garayev met with Stefano Dominioni) / (in Azerbaijani), 29 February 2020

Əbülfəs Qarayev Stefano Dominioni ilə görüşüb (Abulfas Garayev met with Stefano Dominioni) / (in Azerbaijani), 29 February 2020

Əbülfəs Qarayev Mədəni Marşrutlar üzrə Avropa İnstitutunun direktoru ilə görüşüb (Abulfas Garayev met with the Director of the European Institute for Cultural Routes) / (in Azerbaijani), 29 February 2020

Əbülfəs Qarayev Mədəni Marşrutlar üzrə Avropa İnstitutunun direktoru Stefano Dominioni ilə görüşüb (Abulfas Garayev meets with Stefano Dominioni, Director of the European Institute for Cultural Routes) / (in Azerbaijani),  29 February 2020

Avropa Şurası mədəni marşrutlarının tematik tədqiqatları və ən yaxşı təcrübələri (Thematic research and best practices of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe) / Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan (in Azerbaijani), 29 February 2020

Mədəniyyət müəssisələrinin mədəni marşrutların inkişafı və təbliğində rolu (The role of cultural institutions in the development and promotion of Cultural Routes) / Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan (in Azerbaijani), 29 February 2020

Nazir Əbülfəs Qarayev Mədəni Marşrutlar üzrə Avropa İnstitutunun direktoru Stefano Dominioni ilə görüşüb (Minister Abulfas Garayev meets with Stefano Dominioni, Director of the European Institute for Cultural Routes) / Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan (in Azerbaijani), 29 February 2020

“Azərbaycanın mədəni marşrutlar potensialı” mövzusunda Respublika müşavirəsinə yekun vurulub (National Meeting on “Potential of Cultural Routes of Azerbaijan” concluded) / Baku-Art (in Azerbaijani), 29 February 2020

Avropa Şurasının mədəni marşrutları Azərbaycanda: ən yaxşı milli təcrübələr (Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe in Azerbaijan: best national practices) / (in Azerbaijani) 29 February 2020

“Azərbaycanın mədəni marşrutlar potensialı” mövzusunda keçirilən respublika müşavirəsinə yekun vurulub (National Meeting on “The Potential of Cultural Routes in Azerbaijan” concluded) / Azertag (in Azerbaijani), 29 February 2020

“Azərbaycanın mədəni marşrutlar potensialı” mövzusunda Respublika müşavirəsi keçirildi (National Meeting on the theme “The potential of Cultural Routes in Azerbaijan” was held) / Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan (in Azerbaijani), 28 February 2020

Milli mədəni irsin təbliği və inkişafında mədəni marşrutların rolu (The role of Cultural Routes in the promotion and development of national cultural heritage) / Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan (in Azerbaijani), 28 February 2020

Milli mədəni irsin təbliği və inkişafında mədəni marşrutların rolu (The role of Cultural Routes in the promotion and development of national cultural heritage) / Azertag (in Azerbaijani), 28 February 2020

Azərbaycanın mədəni marşrutlar potensialı (The potential of Cultural Routes in Azerbaijan) / (in Azerbaijani), 28 February 2020

“Azərbaycanın mədəni marşrutlar potensialı” mövzusunda Respublika müşavirəsi keçirilib (National Meeting on the Potential of Cultural Routes in Azerbaijan was held) / (in Azerbaijani), 28 February 2020

“Azərbaycanın mədəni marşrutlar potensialı” mövzusunda Respublika müşavirəsi keçirildi (National Meeting on the Potential on the theme “The potential of cultural routes in Azerbaijan” was held) / (in Azerbaijani), 28 February 2020

“Azərbaycanın mədəni marşrutlar potensialı” mövzusunda Respublika Müşavirəsi keçiriləcək (National Meeting on the Potential on the theme “The potential of cultural routes in Azerbaijan” was held) / (in Azerbaijani), 28 February 2020

“Azərbaycanın mədəni marşrutlar potensialı” adlı müşavirəsi keçirilir (A conference on the potential of Azerbaijan's cultural routes is being held) / (in Azerbaijani), 28 February 2020

"Azərbaycanın mədəni marşrutlar potensialı" mövzusunda Respublika Müşavirəsi keçirilib (National Meeting on “The Potential of Cultural Routes in Azerbaijan” was held) / Azerbaijan Press Agency-APA (in Azerbaijani), 28 February 2020

“Azərbaycanın mədəni marşrutlar potensialı” mövzusunda Respublika müşavirəsi keçirildi (The Republican meeting on the theme “The potential of cultural routes in Azerbaijan” was held) / Trend News Agency (in Azerbaijani), 28 February 2020

“Azərbaycanın mədəni marşrutlar potensialı” mövzusunda Respublika müşavirəsi keçirilib (The Republican Conference on the Potential of Cultural Routes in Azerbaijan was held) / (in Azerbaijani), 28 February 2020

Azərbaycan -Avropanın mədəni irsinin ayrılmaz bir hissəsinə çevrilir (Azerbaijan - It is becoming an integral part of Europe's cultural heritage) / (in Azerbaijani), 28 February 2020

В Баку проходит республиканское совещание на тему «Потенциал культурных маршрутов Азербайджана» (Baku hosts the National Meeting on “The potential of Cultural Routes of Azerbaijan”) / (in Russian), 28 February 2020

“Azərbaycanın mədəni marşrutlar potensialı” ( “The potential of cultural routes in Azerbaijan”) / (in Azerbaijani), 28 February 2020

“Azərbaycanın mədəni marşrutlar potensialı” mövzusunda Respublika Müşavirəsi keçiriləcək (National Meeting on “The Potential of Cultural Routes in Azerbaijan” will be held) / Xalq qazeti (in Azerbaijani), 24 February 2020

Baku, Azerbaijan 28-29 February 2020
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