Indietro Moot Court Competition on the European Social Charter - results

Moot Court Competition on the European Social Charter - results

The jury unanimously underlined the high level of the pleadings that took place on the afternoon of 1 April 2022 in Brussels in the framework of the competition organised by the Belgian section of the Academic Network on the European Social Charter and Social Rights.

At the end of the oral pleadings, it was the University of Saint-Louis-Brussels (Belgium) and the University of Ferrara (Italy) that faced each other in the grand final. The University of Ferrara won the competition. Its team members were: Alexandra Busuioc, Filippo Faccin, Carlotta Rambaldi and Ilaria Asquironi.

Sorbonne Paris-Nord University won the prize for the best written submissions. Its team members were: Mélanie Crespo, Agathe Fourmond, Emilie Gac and Anna-Lou Raude.

The prizes for the best litigators were awarded to Balint Bodo (Eötvös Loránd University - Hungary) and Sophie Cuignet (Université Saint-Louis-Bruxelles, Belgium).

The ANESC Coordination Committee and its General Coordinator would like to thank all the participants in the competition for their commitment to this endeavour and to congratulate the winners. They welcome the knowledge of the participants of the provisions of the European Social Charter and its procedures.

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Brussels, Belgium 05/04/2022
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