Indietro New complaint concerning Bulgaria

New complaint concerning Bulgaria

The complaint was registered on 14 February 2023. It relates to Articles 11 (the right to protection of health), 13 (the right to social and medical assistance), 14 (the right to benefit from social welfare services), 17 (the right of children and young persons to social, legal and economic protection), 27 (the right of workers with family responsibilities to equal opportunities and equal treatment) and 30 (the right to protection against poverty and social exclusion) as well as Article E (non-discrimination) in conjunction with each of the aforementioned provisions of the revised European Social Charter. Eurochild alleges that due to a lack of a specific legal framework or National Strategy for the Child that sets the standards for early childhood development, the Bulgarian State has not ensured the implementation of effective, accessible and affordable early childhood education that is focused on the interests and needs of young children, in violation of the invoked Charter provisions.

Strasbourg 02/03/2023
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