Indietro Updated Digest of the case law of the European Committee of Social Rights

The European Committee of Social Rights and the Department of Social Rights of the Council of Europe are launching today an updated version of the Digest of the case-law of the European Committee of social Rights on the European Social Charter.

The Charter is a living human rights instrument that the Committee interprets in the light of present day conditions, other relevant international instruments and emerging issues. This Digest reflects the current interpretation by the Committee of each article of the Charter as resulting from its conclusions on the national situations of States Parties and its decisions in collective complaints. The Digest also contains a presentation of the basic principles of interpretation of the Charter and a description of the reporting and collective complaints procedures.

The aim of this Digest is to make the case law of the European Committee of Social Rights on the Charter widely accessible to anyone interested in social rights : lawyers, government officials, social partners, civil society, academics, and more. This new edition of the Digest has been prepared with the valuable assistance of the University of Nottingham Human Rights Law Centre.

Strasbourg 13/12/2022
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Department of Social Rights

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Council of Europe
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