Barbara Kresal: The welfare state cannot be taken for granted

22/10/2021 Strasbourg, France

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the European Social Charter, Barbara Kresal, Associate Professor of Labour Law and Social Security, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, and member of the European Committee of Social Rights, makes an overview of the role played by the European Social...

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One person's poverty should be a permanent concern for all

17/10/2021 Strasbourg, France

On this International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, 17 October, Eliane Chemla, Vice-President of the European Committee of Social Rights, sounds the alarm: "The most recent surveys are alarming: the health crisis caused by the pandemic has seriously affected the most vulnerable populations...

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The European Social Charter in Bulgaria

15/10/2021 Strasbourg, France

How is the European Social Charter implemented in Bulgaria? Krassimira Sredkova, Chair of the Bulgarian Association of Labour Law and Social Insurance of Bulgaria and former member of the European Committee of Social Rights, makes an overview of the legislative, administrative and financial...

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The Swedish labour market model and the European Social Charter

08/10/2021 Strasbourg, France

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the European Social Charter, Birgitta Nyström, former member of the European Committee of Social Rights, makes an overview of the Swedish labour market model and how certain of its characteristics have affected Sweden’s ability to ratify new provisions...

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The European Social Charter and Equality

17/09/2021 Strasbourg, France

How are equality and non-discrimination guaranteed by the European Social Charter? On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the European Social Charter, Karin Lukas, President of the European Committee of Social Rights, makes an overview of the specific Charter provisions that guarantee...

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Fundamental Rights of Children

01/09/2021 Strasbourg, France

How international treaties and in particular the European Social Charter protect the rights of the child? Matti Mikkola, Professor Emeritus in the University of Helsinki and Former President of the European Committee of Social Rights, makes an overview of the international treaties, including the...

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Some considerations on the European Social Charter

01/07/2021 Strasbourg, France

What is the role and place of the European Social Charter and the European Committee of Social Rights in the protection of people’s rights? Raul Canosa Usera, Full Professor of Constitutional Law at the Faculty of Law, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, and former member of the European...

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60 years of the European Social Charter, 25 years of the revised Social Charter - Germany's role in the renewal process

01/05/2021 Strasbourg, France

What could be the role of Germany in the renewal process of the European Social Charter? Monika Schlachter, Professor for International and European Labour Law and Civil Law in the University of Trier, Germany, and former Vice President of the European Committee of Social Rights, shares her...

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Department of Social Rights

Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law
Council of Europe
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