Indietro The European Social Charter and Equality

The European Social Charter and Equality

How are equality and non-discrimination guaranteed by the European Social Charter?

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the European Social Charter, Karin Lukas, President of the European Committee of Social Rights, makes an overview of the specific Charter provisions that guarantee equality and non-discrimination.

Article E, which draws its inspiration from Article 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights, became one of the key equality standards of the Charter. Article E prohibits all forms of discrimination, direct or indirect. Its function is to help secure the equal effective enjoyment of all the rights concerned regardless of the specific characteristics of certain persons or groups of persons.

“The Charter framework recognises the close and necessary link between social rights protection and equality, as reflected in provisions like Article 20 on gender equality in employment. The interpretation given by the Committee to these provisions is based upon a broad adherence to ‘substantive equality’. It has also affirmed that equality must be an integral part of a general framework of social rights protection”, concludes Karin Lukas.

  The European Social Charter and Equality, Paper by Karin Lukas

Strasbourg, France 17/09/2021
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