Indietro Seminar on the collective complaints procedure under the European Social Charter

Seminar on the collective complaints procedure under the European Social Charter

To mark the 60th anniversary of the European Social Charter, the Belgian section of the Academic Network on the European Social Charter and Social Rights (ANESC) is organising, with the support of the European Social Charter Department of the Council of Europe, a seminar on the collective complaints procedure under the Charter, on 8 October 2021, in Brussels, Belgium.

Bringing together specialists and key players in the law of the European Social Charter, this seminar aims to strengthen the knowledge on the collective complaints procedure by highlighting its strengths and weaknesses and presenting the main trends in the « case law » produced by the European Committee of Social Rights in the context of its implementation.

This seminar targets researchers and practitioners (lawyers, magistrates, members of NGOs and trade unions, etc.), but also students who plan to take part, during the academic year 2021-2022, in the moot court competition on the European Social Charter organized by the Academic Network on the European Social Charter and Social Rights.

In order to open up to the widest possible audience, participation in the seminar will be possible « in person » (at the Université Saint-Louis-Bruxelles) or remotely, by digital means. The working languages will be English and French, without simultaneous translation.


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 Date: 8 October 2021, 14:00-18:00 CET

 Location: University Saint-Louis-Brussels, Belgium 

 Organisers: University Saint-Louis-Brussels with the support of the Council of Europe Department of the European Social Charter 

Brussels, Belgium 08/10/2021
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