High-level panel

18 October 2021, Palais de l'Europe, Strasbourg

18 October marks the 60th anniversary of the opening for signature of the European Social Charter, the Social Constitution of Europe. 

The international recognition that the European Social Charter has received and the concrete impact it has had on national legislation and practice, as well as on people's lives in general, are all reasons to celebrate. But it is also a moment for a renewed commitment and engagement in favour of a stronger social Europe.  

On this occasion, the Council of Europe organised a high-level panel in Strasbourg, in the morning of 18 October 2021. The event was open by the Council of Europe Secretary General, Marija Pejčinović Burić. 

The event offered an opportunity to hear the views of high-level officials from the Council of Europe, the European Union and the United Nations about the future of the European Social Charter. A panel of top level human and social rights experts and practitioners discussed various issues related to the European Social Charter, its achievements, current use and future potential.  

 Check the Programme

  Who are the speakers 

 Review the LIVE

 Visit the picture galery from 18 October 1961 on the creation of the commemorative plaque of the signing of the European Social Charter in Turin, Italy

 Explore the dedicated to the 60th anniversary web page 

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