The 2022 MISSCEO comparative tables on social protection systems are available in the database which has been updated with the 2022 data currently available. The tables resume the situation concerning the legislation of social protection on 1 January 2022 in the MISSCEO states: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Türkiye and Ukraine.

The pdf version of the 2022 data appears below.

1.    Financing
2.    Health care
3.    Sickness - Cash benefits
4.    Maternity/Paternity
5.    Invalidity
6.    Old-age
7.    Survivors
8.    Employment injuries and occupational diseases
9.    Family benefits
10.   Unemployment
11.   Guaranteeing sufficient resources
12.   Long-term care

Social protection of self-employed per country

The approach adopted by MISSCEO, as regards the coverage of self-employed persons, is to include references to self-employed persons and civil servants in the Comparative Tables if they are included under a general scheme for the economically active population. This means schemes that are based on the performance of economic activity and not on any distinction between employees and self-employed persons. Schemes based on economic activity can be identified when the benefits received by self-employed persons and employees are the same. There may be differences between the rates of financial contributions made by these parties or the conditions applied.

Separate schemes for self-employed persons, where the amount of benefit paid differ from that of employees are not included in the MISSCEO comparative tables. In view of the varying structures of the protection systems, a representation in the form of "Comparative Tables" characteristically utilised by MISSCEO quickly came up against certain limits: Table XIII would become far and away the most extensive of all tables, which had less to do with the wealth of information than with the layout of the table itself. Instead, MISSCEO has produced the short description of the social protection of the self-employed in this annex to the tables.

Albania Montenegro
Armenia Serbia
Azerbaijan  North Macedonia
Bosnia and Herzegovina Türkiye
Georgia Ukraine
Republic of Moldova  

Information on coordination instruments per country

The member states of MISSCEO also provide information on coordination instruments with regard to their respective countries, which is updated on a periodic basis.

Indietro Realising Economic and Social Rights in Europe – The Role of National Human Rights Institutions

ENNHRI Annual Conference 2019
Realising Economic and Social Rights in Europe – The Role of National Human Rights Institutions

The Annual Conference of the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI) was held in Brussels on 14 November 2019. The conference brought together European National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) with regional and international organisations and civil society to showcase the role and relevance of NHRIs in the realisation of social and economic rights in Europe and encourage a human rights-based approach to economic and social policies and reforms at the national and European level.

The programme included high-level panels and interactive small group discussions, with a focus on poverty, the right to housing, labour rights, justiciability and promotion of economic and social rights. François Vandamme, Vice-President of the European Committee of Social Rights, highlighted the work of the Committee as a source of inspiration for national and international stakeholders, including National Human Rights Institutions. Branko Lubarda, Judge at the European Court of Human Rights presented the Court’s case-law related to economic and social rights, underlining that human rights are a way of talking about or framing issues in society such as poverty, of social injustice, health etc.

An interactive, online page with good practices illustrating how NHRIs work on economic and social rights in Europe was launched prior to the conference as a background information and will be updated given the outcomes of the Conference. A Guide for NHRIs on how to contribute to a human rights-based approach to poverty reduction and measurement was also presented at the conference.

Brussels, Belgium 14/11/2019
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Department of Social Rights

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