

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary (6 July 2023) of the entry into force of the Additional Protocol to the European Social Charter Providing for a System of Collective Complaints (ETS No. 158) in 1998, the Department of Social Rights of the Council of Europe launched a video aiming to explain the procedure in general and its added value as a major democratic tool.


Multimedia documents on the European Social Charter in the context of its 50th anniversary 18 October 1961 - 18 October 2011

The opening for signature of the European Social Charter in Turin on October 18 1961 was filmed by the Italian broadcaster RAI. The images were recently made available to the Council of Europe by kind permission of RAI, for use on its Internet site. View

© Council of Europe/Conseil de l'Europe 2011

This illustrated radio report explains the history of the European Social Charter and the continuing challenges it faces in addressing problems concerning social rights in Europe.
Radio report by René Wyndham

© Council of Europe/Conseil de l'Europe 2011

A place to live
This web documentary examines the problems of finding decent living conditions in Paris for people on low incomes. It coincides with the 50th anniversary of the European Social Charter, which is referred to in the film.

© Council of Europe/Conseil de l'Europe 2011

Social Charter - Report from Croatia and Bulgaria
This short film shows some concrete examples of how the European Social Charter works in practice. Jim Gibbons reports from Croatia and Bulgaria on the challenges faced by homosexuals, transgender and Roma people.

© Council of Europe/Conseil de l'Europe 2011

Vice President of the European Committee of Social Rights
In this interview Mr. O'Cinneide addresses member countries of the Council of Europe who have ratified the Charter on the importance of respecting social rights in times of economic crisis.

14/10/2011 © Council of Europe/Conseil de l'Europe 2011

Vice President of the European Committee of Social Rights
Audiovisual interview "Soziale rechte in Europa (German)



March 2011

Social Rights In 'Flexible' Europe

In this Spanish language interview, Luis Jimena Quesada, President of the European Commitee of Social Rights discusses the Social Charter, which celebrates its 50th anniversary this year.

Indietro Spain signs the Additional Protocol to the European Social Charter on collective complaints

Spain signs the Additional Protocol to the European Social Charter on collective complaints

Manuel Montobbio, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative of Spain to the Council of Europe, signed today, in the presence of Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe, the Additional Protocol of 1995 providing for a system of collective complaints. This is an important step which requires the subsequent ratification of the Protocol or a declaration at the time of ratifying the revised Charter, a ratification process that is well under way in Spain.

“The signature of the collective complaints Protocol demonstrates Spain’s commitment to social rights and support for the European Social Charter system”, emphasised Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni. The Deputy Secretary General also applauded the timing, when the Charter celebrates its 60th anniversary (1961 – 2021) against a backdrop of discussions on improving the implementation of social rights in Europe and strengthening the Charter system.

The aim pursued with the introduction of the procedure in 1995 was to increase the effectiveness and the impact of the implementation of the Charter at national level. In addition, the collective complaints procedure has strengthened the role of social partners and non-governmental organisations by enabling them to apply under this opt-in procedure to the European Committee of Social Rights to examine compliance by States with the Charter provisions they have accepted.

Strasbourg, France O4/02/2021
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Department of Social Rights

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