Indietro Complaints of Discrimination


The City of Geneva funds and works with the Centre – Écoute contre le Racisme (C-ECR), which defends, advises and assists people affected by racism. The Center-Écoute contre le Racisme is completely independent of the City of Geneva. It can provide support to those who might experience discrimination from the services of the City. It can provide anonymised statistical information on the issues of racism and discrimination for the city.


This initiative is rooted in the Municipal Policy of the City of Geneva on Diversity. This includes the commitment to be:

A non-discriminating city: the City of Geneva militates actively against popular misconceptions, stereotypes and discrimination of any kind. To this end, it promotes public initiatives and supports the efforts of third-party institutions and associations.

It draws from Article 261bis of the Swiss Criminal Code, which addresses discrimination on the ground of racial or ethnic origin and religious affiliation in terms that include public incitement of hatred or discrimination, propagation of a demeaning or denigrating ideology, undermining of dignity, and refusal of a benefit intended for public use. Sanctions include a custodial sentence of up to three years or a monetary penalty.


The C-ECR has been able to use the funding provided by the City of Geneva at its own discretion. It offers a range of free and confidential services, including: listening, counseling, psychosocial support, mediation, and legal assistance. It has assisted people confronted by racism to be able to deal with this experience and supported them to make complaints to the police. It has conducted public information campaigns to enable people in the city to be aware of the supports it provides.

The C-ECR can, with the permission of the person involved, contact the City of Geneva, through the Project Manager for Diversity, to seek to resolve issues of discrimination that might arise in the operations of the city. The City of Geneva, again through the Project Manager for Diversity, can refer citizens who have experienced racism to the C-ECR.

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