Indietro ICC Expert visit to Dudelange

ICC Expert visit to Dudelange

On 11-12 July the ICC programme will carry out an expert visit to Dudelange, one of the newest ICC member and the first city from Luxembourg to join the ICC network.

The Head of the Intercultural Cities Unit and an independent expert will meet City officials, as well as a wide range of local stakeholders in order to make an in-depth "diagnosis" of the city's strengths and needs in relation to intercultural policies and governance.

The programme of the visit also includes a presentation of the Intercultural city concept to representatives of public authorities and civil society, and visits to neighbourhoods, public spaces and a documentation centre on human migration.

In the afternoon of the first day, the city will lead a « World Café », a creative process that facilitates constructive dialogue and knowledge sharing with a view to set up a network for actions and exchanges.

A debriefing with the press is scheduled on 12 July at 2 p.m. at the Documentation Centre on Human Migrations (CDMH).

The visit will further result in a report that will draw the “intercultural profile” of the city and which will be the basis of subsequent work.

Dudelange, Luxembourg 11-12 July 2019
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