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La Spagna ratifica la Convenzione di Macolin

Convenzione di Macolin 17 ottobre 2024 Strasburgo, Francia

Juan Ignacio Morro, Ambasciatore e Rappresentante permanente della Spagna presso il Consiglio d'Europa, il 17 ottobre 2024 ha depositato presso il Vice Segretario generale del Consiglio d'Europa, Bjørn Bergé, lo strumento di ratifica della Convenzione del Consiglio d'Europa sulla manipolazione di...

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Understanding the risks of trafficking: a crucial step in protecting children of Ukraine

Children's Rights 18 October 2024 Strasbourg

War and mass displacement typically amplify the risks linked to human trafficking, and the war in Ukraine is no exception. As the war drags into its third year, these risks have not diminished but changed form. Children, particularly those displaced by Russia’s war of aggression, face an...

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Congress youth delegates on Council of Europe's impact: “I use the gained knowledge actively every day”

Deputy Secretary General 17 october 2024 Strasbourg

During its 47th Session (15-17 October 2024), the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities is celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Rejuvenating Politics initiative aiming at promoting democratic principles and human rights among young people through their participation in public life and...

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Pubblicata una nuova guida per rafforzare i diritti delle minoranze attraverso l’istruzione inclusiva

Comitato consultivo della Convenzione-quadro per la protezione delle minoranze nazionali 17 ottobre 2024 Strasburgo

Un ambiente educativo che riconosca la diversità, promuova uno spirito di tolleranza e rispetto reciproco e contrasti la discriminazione e la segregazione è essenziale per rafforzare i diritti delle persone appartenenti a minoranze nazionali. Il Commento tematico, adottato dal Comitato consultivo...

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For 10 years, Congress youth delegates have been revitalising local and regional democracy

Congress 17 October 2024 Strasbourg

In 2014, the Congress became the first European assembly to involve youth delegates in its work and allowing them to speak at its sessions. Since then, the youth delegates have not only “Rejuvenated Congress politics”, but have also helped to “reinvigorate democracy”. This unique and successful...

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Türkiye must revise restrictions on the right to vote and stand in elections, says Congress

47th session 17 October 2024 Strasbourg, France

Türkiye should revise the restrictions on the right to vote and stand in elections as well as on the freedom of expression, enhance the accuracy of electoral rolls, strengthen the...

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Dichiarazione del Segretario generale in vista della Giornata europea contro la tratta di esseri umani, 18 ottobre

Segretario Generale 17 ottobre 2024 Strasburgo

Nel 2024, i conflitti armati e le crisi umanitarie si intensificano, con violenze che continuano a essere commesse in Ucraina e in Medio Oriente. I migranti e i richiedenti asilo, soprattutto quelli che si spostano in condizioni pericolose, sono sempre più numerosi durante questi conflitti. Sono...

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Participatory democracy is antidote to populism and key to resilient democracies

Congress of local and regional authorities 18 October 2024 Strasbourg

Speaking at the opening of the 23rd Conference of the International Observatory on Participatory Democracy organised in Valongo on 17-19 October on “How can participatory democracy help us counter populist threats and build democratic resilience”, Konstantinos Koukas, Congress spokesperson on the...

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Il Congresso esorta la Georgia a impegnarsi nuovamente a favore della democrazia

Congresso 17 ottobre 2024 Strasburgo

Il Congresso dei poteri locali e regionali del Consiglio d'Europa ha ribadito l'invito alle autorità georgiane a revocare la legislazione recentemente adottata contraria ai diritti umani e ad astenersi dal minacciare ulteriormente il pluralismo politico, dal violare i diritti umani o dal minare...

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Congress monitoring and election observation, a tool for early warning of democratic backsliding

Congress 17 October 2024 Strasbourg

On 16 October 2024, the Congress held a debate on the key challenges faced by local and regional authorities in Europe over the past five years, based on the findings of its monitoring and election observation missions. Inadequate financial resources for local and regional authorities, a...

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Local and regional democracy beyond Europe: outreach of Congress

Congress 17 October 2024 Strasbourg

Le 15 octobre 2024, le Congrès a débattu de la situation de la démocratie locale et régionale dans le monde et de la pertinence de la Charte européenne de l'autonomie locale pour inspirer les processus de décentralisation dans les États non membres. S'adressant à la 47e session, la...

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Autonomie locali in Islanda, Lettonia e Malta: Il Congresso adotta nuove raccomandazioni

Congresso 16 ottobre 2024 Strasburgo

Il Congresso dei poteri locali e regionali del Consiglio d'Europa, nel corso della sua 47a sessione, ha adottato raccomandazioni sull'applicazione della Carta europea dell'autonomia locale da parte dell’Islanda, della Lettonia e di Malta. Il Congresso ha invitato l'Islanda a incorporare...

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Il Congresso chiede di investire in comunità più accoglienti per le persone anziane

Congresso 16 ottobre 2024 Strasburgo

Il 2024 sarà l’anno in cui l’Europa conterà più persone di oltre 65 anni che giovani di meno di 15 anni e la maggior parte degli Stati membri del Consiglio d’Europa è interessata da questa tendenza. Tali cambiamenti demografici hanno delle conseguenze, in particolare per le autorità locali e...

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Viceministro dell'Interno lituano: il Congresso svolge un ruolo importante nella tutela dei valori del Consiglio d'Europa

Congresso 16 ottobre 2024 Strasburgo

Rivolgendosi ai membri del Congresso a nome della Presidenza del Comitato dei Ministri in occasione della 47a sessione, il viceministro degli Interni lituano, Arnoldas Abramavičius, ha sottolineato il ruolo chiave del Congresso nel proteggere i valori del Consiglio d'Europa. Ha riconosciuto il...

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Parliamentary Assembly to observe the presidential election and constitutional referendum in the Republic of Moldova

Parliamentary Assembly 16 October 2024

A 21-member delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), led Petra Bayr (Autriche, SOC), will travel to the Republic of Moldova from 18 to 21 October to observe the presidential election and the constitutional referendum, alongside observers from the OSCE...

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ECHR Judge Guyomar calls on local representatives to defend citizens against human rights violations

Congress 18 October 2024 Strasbourg

The protection of human rights by locally elected representatives was at the centre of the thematic debate held during the 47th session of the Chamber of Local Authorities, on 16 October. The debate focused on the role of locally elected representatives in safeguarding and implementing human...

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Jörgen Pettersson: “Regional autonomy benefits both regions and the countries they belong to”

Coungress 16 October 2024 Strasbourg

Having always been in favour of increasing regional autonomy, the Congress regularly studies its development and is intending to prepare a new report on the subject, as the previous one dates back to 2013. On Wednesday 16 October, the Chamber of Regions discussed some particularly successful...

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Malta praised for local government reform but should increase local authorities’ competences

Congrès 16 October 2024 Strasbourg

In a recommendation adopted today, the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe welcomed the 2019 local government reform in Malta, the lowering of the minimum age for local elections to 16, and Malta's ratification of the Additional Protocol to the European Charter of...

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European regions encouraged to establish partnerships for Ukraine’s reconstruction

Council of Europe 18 October 2024 Strasbourg

Meeting on 16 October 2024 during the 47th session, the Congress Chamber of Regions held debates on regions with a special status; the place of digitalisation and artificial intelligence in regional governance (with an emphasis on the opportunities and risks of integrating them in political...

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Ireland: the situation of Travellers, Roma and asylum seekers requires more attention

Commissioner for Human Rights 15 October 2024 Strasbourg

The Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Michael O’Flaherty, encourages further steps in Ireland in the field of combating racism and discrimination and addressing prejudice against Travellers, Roma and migrants. He welcomes the progress made in policy development, stressing the need...

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