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Committee of Ministers' President Landsbergis: collective effort needed to ensure sustainable peace and respect for human rights

Committee of Ministers 2 october 2024 Strasbourg

“It is time to put even more pressure on Russia and ensure its full accountability for its crimes,” said Gabrielius Landsbergis, President of the Committee of Ministers and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, when addressing the Parliamentary Assembly. “Only this way will we lay the path...

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Incontro del Segretario generale con S.A.S. il Principe Alberto II di Monaco

Segretario generale 2 ottobre 2024 Strasburgo

Il Segretario generale, Alain Berset, e il Principe Alberto II di Monaco si sono incontrati nel quadro della visita del Principe sovrano presso il Consiglio d’Europa per celebrare i 20 anni di adesione del Principato di Monaco al Consiglio d’Europa. Durante l’incontro, hanno discusso del...

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L’Assemblea parlamentare riconosce Julian Assange come “prigioniero politico” e mette in guardia contro l’effetto dissuasivo del duro trattamento riservatogli

Assemblea parlamentare 2 ottobre 2024 Strasburgo

L’Assemblea parlamentare del Consiglio d’Europa (APCE) ha espresso grande preoccupazione per “il trattamento sproporzionatamente duro” cui è stato sottoposto Julian Assange e ha dichiarato che questo ha avuto un “pericoloso effetto dissuasivo” che mina la protezione dei giornalisti e dei...

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Parliamentary Assembly denounces the human rights situation in Iran and calls for strengthening the protection of Iranians in Europe

Parliamentary Assembly 2 October 2024 Strasbourg

The Parliamentary Assembly expressed its concern about the persecution of human rights defenders in Iran and abroad, in particular in the Council of Europe member States, by the Iranian regime. The resolution, unanimously adopted by PACE on the basis of the report by Max Lucks (Germany, SOC...

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Il Segretario generale sottolinea il ruolo cruciale del Consiglio d’Europa durante la sessione plenaria autunnale dell’Assemblea

Segretario generale 1 ottobre 2024 Strasburgo

“Gli effetti combinati di queste guerre, insieme al cambiamento climatico e all’erosione democratica, rappresentano una sfida senza precedenti per le nostre società. Una sfida che ho cercato di descrivere come la tempesta perfetta. Di fronte a tale sfida, il Consiglio d’Europa ha già dimostrato...

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Neutralising harmful propaganda while preserving the right to freedom of expression

Parliamentary Assembly 1 October 2024 Strasbourg

Propaganda can be used to manipulate public opinion and threaten our common values and human dignity, as well as the proper functioning of our democratic systems, impairing the development of free opinions and informed citizen participation in public debate and decision making, the Assembly said...

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Parliamentary Assembly elects Anna Adamska-Gallant judge to the European Court of Human Rights in respect of Poland

Parliamentary Assembly 1 October 2024 Strasbourg

The Parliamentary Assembly elected Anna Adamska-Gallant as judge to the European Court of Human Rights in respect of Poland. Ms Adamska-Gallant, having obtained an absolute majority of votes cast, is elected judge of the European Court of Human Rights for a term of...

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Parliamentary Assembly proposes that the Council of Europe draw up a new instrument to address migrant smuggling

Parliamentary Assembly 1 October 2024 Strasbourg

Expressing its concern at the lack of consistency in the legislation of member states aimed at combating the smuggling of migrants, Parliamentary Assembly proposed that the Council of Europe draw up an instrument on the smuggling of migrants “which ensures as much consistency as possible in the...

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Parliamentary Assembly recommends a set of measures to clarify the fate of missing migrants

Parliamentary Assembly 1 October 2024 Strasbourg

Parliamentary Assembly expressed its concern about the phenomenon of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers going missing, “a tragedy largely underestimated as a human rights issue,” believing that policy responses are needed across Europe and the world. It marked its solidarity with the families...

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Deteriorating situation of human rights, rule of law and democracy in Azerbaijan

Parliamentary Assembly 1 October 2024 Strasbourg

"On 24 January, our Assembly resolved not to ratify the credentials of the Azerbaijani delegation. The Assembly was among other things worried about the lack of cooperation in monitoring procedure and lack of invitation to observe the early presidential election of 7 February. It also cited the...

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