Indietro Roma Integration Phase III Competitive bidding procedure

for the development of a Digital Monitoring System Related to the Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Kosovo*
Roma Integration Phase III Competitive bidding procedure

Within the framework of Roma Integration Phase III Joint European Union/ Council of Europe Programme, a competitive bidding procedure has been launched for the provision of services for developing a digital monitoring system related to the implementation of the national Roma integration strategies.

Roma Integration Phase III aims to strengthen the capacity of governments in the Western Balkans and Türkiye to effectively address the multifaceted challenges faced by the Roma community, through the implementation of comprehensive public policies. These policies encompass critical areas such as housing, employment, civil registration, as well as the green and digital transition.

The project will primarily focus on three areas of support:

1. Mainstreaming of Roma issues in relevant public policies and the fight against antigypsyism.

2. Support to Roma socio-economic integration and Roma equality in the areas of housing, education, employment, health, civil registration, and in the green and digital transition.

3. The reinforcement of the institutional capacities of the governments to tackle challenges faced by Roma.

Roma Integration III Joint Programme is looking for a provider to develop a comprehensive digital monitoring system targeting the implementation of National Roma Integration Strategies and National Action Plans for five Beneficiaries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Kosovo).

Tender file and Act of Engagement are available below:

The Acts of Engagement, completed and signed, together with the supporting documents indicated must be submitted in electronic form only to with reference in subject: Digital Monitoring System - Roma Integration III

The deadline for the submission of tenders is 08 April 2024 by 23:59 CET.

Questions regarding this files must be sent at the latest 5 working days before the deadline for the submission of proposals, in English, and shall be exclusively sent to the following address:, with the following reference in subject: Roma Integration Phase III – Digital Monitoring System – Questions.

* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence

Strasbourg, France Deadline for the submission: 08 April 2024
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