Capacity-building programme and tools supporting the implementation of CM Rec(2020)2
Note: The Capacity - building programme and tools will be availabe for distribution in due course.
In June 2024, the CDADI adopted a Roadmap for the implementation of capacity building programmes supporting the implementation of Recommendation CM/Rec(2020)2 on the inclusion of the history of Roma and/or Travellers in school curricula and teaching materials at national level and the six related tools:
Tools 1: Mapping study – Representation of Roma and Travellers in schools curricula and textbooks
Tool 2: Recommendations for ensuring full participation of Roma and Travellers in the process of developing school curricula and teaching materials
Tool 3: Historical Briefings - Roma and Travellers Communities Histories
Tool 4: Using stories of the past to teach students about its complexity
Tool 5: Teaching Strategy: Object Biography
Tool 6: Teaching about the Roma Holocaust and other historical persecutions of Roma and Travellers from a human rights perspective