Retour Investigators of the Special Investigation Service enhanced their knowledge on documenting injuries

Investigators of the Special Investigation Service enhanced their knowledge on documenting injuries

20 investigators of the Special Investigation Service (SIS) enhanced their capacity on documenting medical evidence of alleged crimes, including torture and ill-treatment, during training sessions held on 22-23 September. Namely, the new staff of the investigation department increased their knowledge over a wide range of important topics regulated by the Istanbul Protocol, including interviewing principles around injuries, vicarious trauma and established methods to identify traces of ill-treatment and torture from a medical perspective.

As a result, the SIS investigators will apply their knowledge and gained skills when processing notifications received form the temporary detention isolators about the alleged crimes committed by the police.

The two day training sessions were organised within the framework of the Council of Europe Project “Human Rights Compliant Policing in Georgia” (HRCPG) which is designed to address issues related to effective policing in line with human rights standards, the rights of detained persons and their treatment by police, the treatment of juvenile victims and offenders as well as effective investigation into alleged ill-treatment by police and effective remedies against police misconduct.

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