Tilbake Cards to explain rights to victims of human trafficking in Tunisia

Cards to explain rights to victims of human trafficking in Tunisia

To mark the celebration of the National Day for the Abolition of Slavery which took place on January 23, the “Instance nationale de lutte contre la traite des personnes” (INLTP) – national anti-trafficking body, has launched "The Cards of Rights of Victims of Trafficking in Persons".

Developed in the framework of the PAII-T joint programme of the Council of Europe and the European Union, and accompanying the “Passport of victims’ Rights” realised in July 2020, the Cards aim to provide concise information in clear format to victims about their rights guaranteed by Tunisian law.

The Cards are one of the practical tools of the National Referral Mechanism for Victims of Trafficking in Persons currently being finalised by the National Body for Combating Trafficking in Persons (Instance nationale de lutte contre la traite des personnes) with the support of the Council of Europe within the framework of the joint Council of Europe-European Union project, “Support Independent Bodies in Tunisia” (PAII-T).

Council of Europe Strasbourg 27 January 2021
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