nugara Council of Europe anti-torture Committee publishes report on its 2024 ad hoc visit to Latvia

The European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) has published today the report on its May 2024 ad hoc visit to Latvia, together with the response of the Latvian authorities.
Council of Europe anti-torture Committee publishes report on its 2024 ad hoc visit to Latvia

The purpose of this visit was to examine the treatment of persons held in prisons and to follow up on the situation found there in the 2022 visit. More specifically, the visiting delegation considered the measures taken by the Latvian authorities in response to the long-standing CPT recommendations regarding inter-prisoner violence, the influence of the informal prisoner hierarchy, and the provision of healthcare in prisons. To this end, the delegation carried out visits to Daugavgrīva, Jēkabpils, Jelgava, and Valmiera Prisons.

The findings of the 2024 visit demonstrate that there is still a lack of progress across a range of critical areas. These include the conversion of dormitory-style to cellular accommodation in prisons, the elimination of the informal prisoner hierarchy and its pervasively harmful effects, and the improvement of the recording, reporting and effective investigation of suspected cases of inter-prisoner violence.

In addition, there remains a need to significantly increase custodial staff numbers and their presence in the detention areas. Further development of prisoner reintegration is also required, and adequate assistance must be provided to prisoners with substance-related problems.

The CPT reiterates its view that the situation of prisoners belonging to the lowest caste of the informal prisoner hierarchy, which in some cases could amount to modern slavery (in the form of forced labour), could be considered to constitute a continuing violation of Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Article 3 prohibits, inter alia all forms of inhuman or degrading treatment, and obliges state authorities to take appropriate measures to prevent such treatment, including that carried out by private individuals such as fellow prisoners.

The Committee calls upon the Latvian authorities to significantly enhance their efforts to eradicate the influence of the informal prisoner hierarchy, which continues to undermine the authority of the state, fuelling inter-prisoner violence, and promoting access to illicit drugs in prisons.

In their response, the Latvian authorities set out the measures taken and envisaged to implement the recommendations made by the Committee in the report. These include action in such areas as the reconstruction of prison infrastructure (notably, the opening of a new 1 200-bed prison by mid-2026), the abolition of large-capacity dormitory cells, the introduction of dynamic security, amendments to the existing legislation on the execution of prison sentences, strengthening of the social reintegration system, and increasing the number and capacities of custodial staff.

The CPT report and the response of the authorities have been made public at the request of the Latvian authorities.


Read the report

Read the executive summary

Read the response

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The CPT and Latvia

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