Enhancing the cooperation between the newly established External Oversight Mechanism with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Directorate for Execution of Sanctions

15 April 2019 Skopje

A workshop focusing on enhancing the relations and cooperation between the newly established External Oversight Mechanism (EOM) with the state authorities took place on 15 April 2019 in Skopje. It gathered public prosecutors from the specialized unit within the Prosecutor’s Office, Deputy...

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Round tables for presentation of the newly-established External Oversight Mechanism (EOM) over the police work


More than 100 participants from various national institutions and civil society learnt of the establishment of the External Oversight Mechanism (EOM) over the police work at three round tables, which took place in Skopje (6 February), Stip (7 February) and Bitola (8 February 2019). The round...

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Presentation of the revised Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)

10 July 2017 Skopje

A 1-day final working group meeting aimed at finalisation of the amended Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for Treatment of Persons with Restricted Freedom of Movement was held on 10 July 2017 in Skopje. The aim of the meeting was to discuss the proposed amendments to the SOP, as drafted and...

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Police officials from Skopje visit the Dutch police

7 - 9 November 2017 The Hague, Netherland

A delegation composed of 7 senior police officials from the Public Safety Bureau within the Ministry of Internal Affairs visited the Dutch police. As a result, the delegation learnt from the Dutch experiences on divisive and non-discriminatory policing, as well as on the treatment of vulnerable...

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Launch of project to enhance human rights policing

22 September 2016 Skopje

The Project ‘’Enhancing human rights policing’’ co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe as part of the "Horizontal Facility for Western Balkans and Turkey" and implemented by the Council of Europe, was launched on 21 September 2016 in Skopje. The overall objective of the project...

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Making theory and practice meet: human rights and policing

02 October 2017 Skopje

A total of 625 police officers have followed our training course on human rights, police ethics and the use of force. The 25 training sessions took place in September 2017 with the co-operation of the Public Safety Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The 2-day training sessions were led...

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Presentation of two Horizontal Facility Actions on Prisons and Police

21 September 2017 Skopje

Two Horizontal Facility Actions, “Strengthening the protection of the rights of sentenced persons” and “Enhancing Human Rights Policing”, were presented to approximately 30 representatives of the NGO sector in the country. The presentation took place on 21 September 2017 at the EU Info Centre in...

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Police Control Unit strengthens provision of in-service training

11 October 2017 Ohrid

A group of 12 investigators from the Department for Internal Control, Criminal Investigations and Professional Standards (DICCIPS) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, increased their knowledge on professional standards, police integrity and effective investigation into article 2 and 3 ECHR...

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Study visit to the Federal State of Brandenburg, Germany on policing

30 January 2018 Oranienburg

A 3-day study visit to the Police Service of the Federal State of Brandenburg, Germany took place on 23-25 January for a group of 7 senior police officials from the Department for Internal Control, Criminal Investigations and Professional Standards within the Ministry of Internal Affairs of "the...

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Evaluation session on the Cascade training sessions for police officers

29 November 2017 - 01 December 2017 Mavrovo

The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MoIA) and the Training Unit within the Public Safety Bureau at the MoIA benefited from an evaluation and identification of further training needs of police officers in the country with regard to the promotion and protection of human rights in police proceedings....

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Meetings with the newly appointed Minister of Internal Affairs and Deputy Minister of Justice in Skopje

The meeting between the Head of the Criminal Law Co-operation Unit (CLCU), Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law of the Council of Europe, Ms Tanja Rakusic- Hadzic, and the Minister of Internal Affairs, Mr Oliver Spasovski, took place on 28 June 2017 in Skopje. The meeting focused...

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Final working group session on drafting the training modules for the Department for Internal Control, Criminal Investigations and Professional Standards within the Ministry of Internal Affairs

06 - 07 June 2017 Skopje

A 2-day working group meeting was held on 6-7 June 2017 in Skopje, with aim to finalize the drafting of two modules for in-service training of the staff of the police internal control department, namely Module 1 on Investigation of violation of professional standards by police officers and Module...

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Training of Trainers for a group of 20 national police trainers

06 April 2017 Ohrid

A 5-day refresher Training of Trainers (ToT) session was held in the period from 27 to 31 March 2017 in Ohrid. The aim of the session was to renew knowledge and skills of a group of police educators established under the Joint EU/Council of Europe Programme “Capacity Building of the Law...

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Presentation of the proposed model for an External Oversight Mechanism over the police work

06 April 2017 Skopje

A public discussion in a form of a round table on the proposed model for an External Oversight Mechanism (EOM) over the police work was organised on 4 April 2017 in Skopje. The aim of the round table was to present to the professional public the “Prosecution Plus’’ model, which has been...

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Revision of the in-service police training curricula

17-18 January 2017 Skopje

The first working group (WG) meeting aimed at strengthening the provision of in-service police training took place in Skopje on 17-18 January 2017. The aim of the meeting was to review the existing programmes and curricula for in-service police training and to draft recommendations for...

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On-site assessment mission in Skopje regarding provision of in-service training for police officers

15 December 2016 Skopje

A 3-day assessment mission was carried out by two Council of Europe consultants on 14-16 November 2016 in Skopje with aim to strengthen the provision of the in-service police training through improving the current training programme and curricula. As part of the assessment mission, meetings were...

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