Tilbake The Commissioner asks for urgent measures to address the situation of several prisoners and detainees in Russia and Ukraine

The Commissioner asks for urgent measures to address the situation of several prisoners and detainees in Russia and Ukraine

Today, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, published letters addressed, respectively, to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Sergey Lavrov, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Pavlo Klimkin, concerning the situation of several persons who have been detained and/or imprisoned by the authorities of the two countries concerned.

She called upon the authorities of the Russian Federation and Ukraine to do their utmost and to address, as a matter of urgency, the most compelling needs of these individuals, with a view to preventing any further deterioration of their situation which may lead to irreversible consequences.

She also confirmed her offer of good offices to assist with overcoming the impasse and to contribute towards a satisfactory resolution of the situation of these persons, including through their release on humanitarian grounds.

Strasbourg 21/08/2018
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