Commissioner Hammarberg concludes visit to Belgium

[19/12/08 16:40] Thomas Hammarberg concluded today his four-day assessment visit to Belgium after meetings with members of the federal, community and regional governments. He also met with civil society representatives and visited prisons, closed centres for irregular migrants and shelters for...

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“Victims of the South Ossetia conflict need better protection” says Commissioner Hammarberg

[16/12/08 11:10] "Despite some positive steps, the situation of the victims affected by the South Ossetia conflict remains worrisome" said today the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Thomas Hammarberg, publishing a report on his follow-up visit to the areas affected by the...

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Cyprus: Commissioner Hammarberg recommends more efforts on migrants and trafficking

[12/12/08 09:30] "Encouraging steps have been undertaken, but more efforts are needed to handle migration issues and combat trafficking in human beings" said today in Nicosia Thomas Hammarberg handing over his report on a visit to the Republic of Cyprus to the Minister of Justice and Public...

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Commissioner Hammarberg visits Belgium to assess the human rights situation

[10/12/08 10:00] Prison conditions, migrants, measures against discrimination, women's and children's rights will be some of the main topics that the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Thomas Hammarberg, will assess during his five-day high-level visit to Belgium starting on 15...

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Cyprus: Commissioner Hammarberg in Nicosia to discuss human rights and present his report

[10/12/08 09:30] On 12 December, the Council of Europe's Commissioner for Human Rights, Thomas Hammarberg, will arrive in Nicosia to discuss major human rights issues with national authorities and representatives of international organisations. Commissioner Hammarberg will meet the Minister of...

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Commissioner Hammarberg visited Greece to discuss situation of asylum seekers and minorities

[10/12/08 09:00] The Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Thomas Hammarberg, ended today a three-day visit to Alexandroupolis and Athens where he discussed with authorities certain major issues relating to asylum seekers and minorities. "The aim of the visit was to form my own...

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Commissioner Hammarberg marks the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

[09/12/08 15:40] On the eve of the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Thomas Hammarberg has published today two audio messages and a video statement marking this anniversary. The Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights stresses in his messages that "the...

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“Ten years on, human rights defenders continue to pay a high price” says Thomas Hammarberg in a joint statement with the UN and regional human rights mechanisms and representatives

[09/12/08 10:30] On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Declaration on Human Rights Defenders, Commissioner Hammarberg, together with five UN and regional human rights mechanisms and representatives, issued a joint statement alerting on the persistent challenges that defenders face today....

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Do not miss the opportunity to step up the global fight against racism and discrimination!

[05/12/08 12:00] Joint statement of the EU Fundamental Rights Agency and the Council of Europe's Commissioner for Human Rights on the Durban review conference - The Council of Europe's Commissioner for Human Rights and the Director of the European Union's Fundamental Rights Agency jointly call on...

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Commissioner Hammarberg visits Greece to discuss situation of asylum seekers and minorities

[05/12/08 10:15] The Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Thomas Hammarberg, will start on Monday 8 December a three-day visit to Alexandroupolis and Athens to discuss with authorities certain major issues relating to asylum seekers and minorities. "The aim of the visit is to form my...

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“Counter-terrorism measures must not violate the right to privacy” says Commissioner Hammarberg

[04/12/08 09:15] "Freedom has been compromised in the fight against terrorism after 11 September. Government decisions have undermined human rights principles with flawed arguments about improved security" said today the Council of Europe's Commissioner for Human Rights, Thomas Hammarberg,...

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Second annual meeting of contact persons of national human rights structures

[20/11/08 17:10] On 19 and 20 November 2008, the Office of the Commissioner organised in Strasbourg the 2nd annual meeting of contact persons, from national human rights structures (NHRSs) as part of the Joint Council of Europe–European Union Programme "Setting up an active network of independent...

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“French detention and immigration policies risk reducing human rights protection” says Commissioner Hammarberg in his report

[20/11/08 09:00] "Security concerns should not undermine a full respect for human rights norms. Some French policies on detention and immigration risk undermining these standards." With these words, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Thomas Hammarberg, presented today his report...

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Country visit

Armenia: special visit of Commissioner Hammarberg to assess inquiry progress

19/11/2008 Strasbourg

The Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Thomas Hammarberg, will carry out a special visit to Armenia from 20 to 22 November to assess the situation of persons deprived of their liberty in relation to the event of 1-2 March and the inquiry into those events. "I intend to assess the...

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Commissioner Hammarberg meets transgender human rights experts

[18/11/08 09:00] On November 18, Commissioner Hammarberg met with 12 transgender human rights experts whom he invited to discuss the human rights situation of this community. Participants presented and discussed the international legal standards in the field of gender identity discrimination,...

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Hammarberg receives the Dag Hammarskjold award

[17/11/08 18:30] The Dag Hammarskjold award for 2008 will go to Commissioner Thomas Hammarberg for his consistent work for human rights. The prize was announced on 16th of November by the board of the Academy of Smaland in Sweden. Hammarberg donated the prize money (SEK 30. 000) to Amnesty...

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Commissioner Hammarberg and Patriarch Ilia II join forces in Georgia on prisoners and missing persons

[17/11/08 14:50] Commissioner Hammarberg concluded on Friday 14 November his special visit to the areas affected by the South Ossetia conflict. He followed up the implementation of the six principles for human rights and humanitarian protection of the victims of the conflict and gave new impetus...

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Georgia: Hammarberg to boost implementation of the six human rights and humanitarian principles

Strasbourg, 7.11.2008 – The Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Thomas Hammarberg, will visit areas affected by the South Ossetia conflict from 12 to 14 November in order to review the current situation as regards the implementation of the six principles for urgent human rights and...

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"Systematic work for human rights must be continuous and inclusive"

[07/11/08] Thomas Hammarberg addressed the "Rights Work! – International Conference on Systematic Work for Human Rights Implementation" in Stockholm on 6-7 November 2008. The Conference, organised by the Swedish Chairmanship of the Council of Europope Committee of Ministers, explored means of...

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“Member States must protect and support the work of human rights defenders”

[04/11/08] After a two-day round table with human rights activists from all parts of Europe, Commissioner Hammarberg, stated that "human rights defenders should be seen as key partners in governmental endeavours to promote and protect the rights of individuals". "Such defenders are carrying out...

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