Назад Implementing European Court of Human Rights judgments

Implementing European Court of Human Rights judgments

The Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers is holding its quarterly meeting to oversee the execution of judgments and decisions from the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg from 9 to 11 March.

Information on the cases to be examined in detail this week is available here(*) Decisions taken by the Committee of Ministers during the meeting will be published on the Council of Europe website on Friday 12 March.

Under Article 46 of the human rights convention, judgments from the European Court of Human Rights are binding on the states concerned. The Committee of Ministers oversees the execution of judgments on the basis of information provided by the national authorities concerned, applicants, NGOs and other interested parties.

 Meeting documents

 Website of the Department for the Execution of Judgments

 Video on the supervision process

 Country Factsheets

 Thematic Factsheets

*This table is based on the indicative list of cases be examined at the meeting as adopted by the Committee of Ministers in December 2020. The definitive Order of Business is adopted by the Committee at the start of each meeting.

Committee of Ministers Strasbourg 9 March 2021
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