Powrót "Armando Ginestal Machado" National Railway Museum Foundation, FMNF

"Armando Ginestal Machado" National Railway Museum Foundation, FMNF / Fundação Museu Nacional Ferroviário Armando Ginestal Machado, FMNF

Cultural Route
  • European Route of Industrial Heritage
  • Portugal
Member Category
  • Cultural Institution / NGO
  • Museum
Member Status
Year of Accession to Membership
Contact Details
Museu Nacional Ferroviário (National Railway Museum)
Complexo Ferroviário do Entroncamento
Rúa Eng. Ferreira de Mesquita, 1A
PT-2330-152 Entroncamento

Tel: +351 249 130 382
Website: www.fmnf.pt
Email: geral[at]fmnf.pt / museu[at]fmnf.pt

Núcleo Museológico de Lousado (National Railway Museum at Lousado)
Rua Quinta da Serra
PT-4760-803 Lousado

Tel: +351 252 153 646
Website: www.fmnf.pt/nucleos_museologicos_nucleo_lousado
Email: museuferroviario[at]vilanovadefamalicao.org
Contact Person
Main Town/Region
Entroncamento (Santarém)
Site Town/Region
Entroncamento (Santarém) / Lousado (Vila Nova de Famalicão, Braga)
Main GPS Location
39.464271, -8.474278
Site GPS Location
39.464271, -8.474278 / 41.351282, -8.527258
UNESCO World Heritage List
European Heritage Label
Other Heritage Labels
The National Railway Museum hosts several temporary exhibitions and permanent collection featuring locomotives, carriages, as well as equipment, tools, clothing, among other elements that illustrate the history of railway in Portugal.
The National Railway Museum at Lousado is located in the parish of Lousado occupies the entire former railway local workshop complex, and presents an exhibition of different types of convoys.
The National Railway Museum is an Anchor Point of the European Route of Industrial Heritage.

With the support of:

Neumünster Abbey, Luxembourg