Powrót Añana Salt Valley Foundation

Añana Salt Valley Foundation / Fundación Valle Salado de Añana

Cultural Route
  • European Route of Industrial Heritage
  • Spain
Member Category
  • Heritage Site
  • Cultural Institution / NGO
Member Status
Year of Accession to Membership
Contact Details
Plaza Miguel Díaz de Tuesta, 1
ES-01426 Salinas de Añana

Tel: n.d.
Website: www.vallesalado.com
Email: info[at]vallesalado.eus
Contact Person
Main Town/Region
Añana (Araba/Álava, Basque Country)
Site Town/Region
Añana (Araba/Álava, Basque Country)
Main GPS Location
42.802402, -2.986556
Site GPS Location
42.802120, -2.986186
UNESCO World Heritage List
UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List: Valle Salado de Añana (2012) (whc.unesco.org/en/tentativelists/5693)
European Heritage Label
Other Heritage Labels
The Valley of Salinas de Añana is home to one of the oldest salt production sites in the world. The process of its disappearance after almost 7,000 years of the uninterrupted production was reversed in 2009 when the Añana Salt Valley Foundation was established and charged with managing, recovering, and enhancing the site. Among the key goals of the Foundation is to promote the local salt heritage and produce salt of the highest quality using traditional and sustainable techniques that respect the environment.
The Añana Salt Valley is an Anchor Point of the European Route of Industrial Heritage.

With the support of:

Neumünster Abbey, Luxembourg