Powrót Association for the Development of the Province of Ciudad Rodrigo, ADECOCIR

Association for the Development of the Province of Ciudad Rodrigo, ADECOCIR / Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Comarca de Ciudad Rodrigo, ADECOCIR

Cultural Route
  • Prehistoric Rock Art Trails
  • Spain
Member Category
  • Other
  • Heritage Site
Member Status
Year of Accession to Membership
Contact Details
Plaza del Castillo, 1
ES-37500 Ciudad Rodrigo

Tel: +34 923 48 19 22
Website: www.adecocir.es
Email: adecocir[at]adecocir.es

Zona Arqueológica - Estación Arqueológica de Arte Rupestre de Siega Verde (Archaeological Rock Art Site of Siega Verde)
Puente La Unión
ES-37497 Villar de la Yegua

Tel: +34 923 480 198 / + 34 653 781 071
Website: www.siegaverde.es
Email: visitas[at]siegaverde.es
Contact Person
Juan Carlos REBOLLO (Manager)
Main Town/Region
Ciudad Rodrigo (Salamanca, Castile and León)
Site Town/Region
Villar de la Yegua (Salamanca, Castile and León)
Main GPS Location
40.596411, -6.536046
Site GPS Location
40.697445, -6.661846
UNESCO World Heritage List
Prehistoric Rock Art Sites in the Côa Valley and Siega Verde (1998) (whc.unesco.org/en/list/866)
European Heritage Label
Other Heritage Labels
The Association for the Development of the Province of Ciudad Rodrigo (ADECOCIR) is an associative non-profit entity aiming at the sustainable development of the Province of Ciudad Rodrigo.
ADECOCIR manages the Archaeological Rock Art Site of Siega Verde. At the Siega Verde Rock Art Site a total of 540 figures in 17 groups form the largest ensemble of Palaeolithic engravings in Spain (http://www.prehistour.eu/carp-guide/siega-verde-rockart-site).

With the support of:

Neumünster Abbey, Luxembourg