Powrót EPA Governing Board 2018

EPA member States representatives, EPA Secretariat, European Institute of Cultural Routes representatives, Neumünster Abbey, Luxembourg

EPA member States representatives, EPA Secretariat, European Institute of Cultural Routes representatives, Neumünster Abbey, Luxembourg

On 18-19 April 2018, the Annual Governing Board of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes (EPA), which brings together the Members States and Observers of the EPA, met at the Neumünster Abbey, in Luxembourg.

Among the topics discussed, the evaluation cycle 2017-18 (audition of certified networks and candidates routes) as well as the Annual Advisory Forum (26-28 September, Görlitz, Germany).


Presentations of certified Cultural Routes under regular evaluation (cycle 2017-18)

  • ATRIUM – Architecture of Totalitarian Regimes of the 20th Century in Europe’s Urban Memory

  • European Cemeteries Route

  • European Route of Historic Thermal Towns

  • European Route of Cistercian abbeys

  • Prehistoric Rock Art Trails

  • Réseau Art Nouveau Network

  • Route of Saint Olav Ways

  • Via Habsburg


Audition of candidates for certification (cycle 2017-18)

  • Via Charlemagne

  • Impressionisms Route


Facebook album photo: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10155151806811432.1073741880.47412551431&type=1&l=53f7236b6d


Luxembourg 18-19 April 2018
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