European Projects


The European Institute of Cultural Routes regularly leads or takes part in European funded projects on the theme of cultural heritage management and promotion, cultural tourism, management of Cultural Routes, etc.

Hector and Certess are the last two projects funded by the European Union and led by the EICR.

The HECTOR project (HEritage and Cultural Tourism Open Resources for innovative training schemes related to the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe) (2014-2016) was funded by the European fund Erasmus+, Key Action 2: “Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices”, aimed at supporting the development, sharing and transfer of best practices and innovative approaches in the fields of education, training and youth.

Coordinated by the European Institute of Cultural Routes, the project involved 3 universities - IREST, University Paris 1Panthéon-Sorbonne (France), LABPACT, University of Barcelona (Spain), CAST, University of Bologna (Italy) - and a research center - Fondazione Federico Secondo (Italy).

The partners worked during two years on the identification and the development of educational programmes in the field of heritage and cultural tourism management related to Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe.

The HECTOR project constituted a sound opportunity both to project partners and target groups to exchange practices, methodologies, approaches and tools to identify, define and reinforce the strategic skills required in the public and private training sector to better create synergies with the private sector, and to maintain culture as a driver for social and economic development.

Project resource videos

Project partners:

The total budget of the project was 248,125 €.

The CERTESS project (2011-2013) aimed at setting up a common methodological framework on how to develop, manage and enhance Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe, by using reference development and governance instruments targeted to foster sustainable cultural tourism. More specifically, the project aimed, through the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe to:

  • identify, structure & add value to local cultural & natural heritage assets;
  • develop & adopt well-suited governance tools;
  • promote local enterprises & products along the routes by adopting innovative immaterial services including ITC.

CERTESS partnership included 11 regional actors from 10 countries all crossed by Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe.

Project partners:

  • European Institute of Cultural Routes - Lead Partner (Luxembourg)
  • Lazio Region (Italy)
  • Local Government of Malta
  • Salzburg Research Institute, Salzburg Region (Austria)
  • Tourism Agency of the Balearic Islands (Spain)
  • Regional Ministry of Tourism, Commerce and Sports, Andalusia Region (Spain)
  • Karlsruhe Institute of Technology of the Region Baden-Württemberg (Germany)
  • Zlín Region (Czech Republic)
  • Gorlice Region (Poland)
  • Ministry of Culture of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
  • Sibiu County Tourism Association (Romania)
  • JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Region of Central Finland

The total budget of the project was 1.9 M €.

European Institute of Cultural Routes (EICR)

Abbaye de Neumünster
Bâtiment Robert Bruch
28, rue Münster, L-2160 Luxembourg
Grand-Duché de Luxembourg

Tel: +352 24 12 50