Powrót Certification cycle 2020-2021: A record number of 16 new applications for the “Cultural Route of the Council of Europe” certification received

Certification cycle 2020-2021: A record number of 16 new applications for the “Cultural Route of the Council of Europe” certification received

The Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe are subject to regular monitoring and three-year evaluation procedure through independent expert reports and recommendations.

This year, 4 certified Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe will undergo the process of regular evaluation:

  1. European Mozart Ways
  2. Saint Martin of Tours Route
  3. Huguenot and Waldensian Trail
  4. European Route of Megalithic Culture

Each year, the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe programme sees a number of cultural route networks applying for certification. In order to be eligible for certification by the Council of Europe, cultural routes must comply with the certification criteria established in CM/Res(2013)67 revising the rules for the award of the Cultural Route of the Council of Europe certification.

This year, 16 Cultural Route networks applied for “Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe” certification:

  1. Via Eurasia
  2. Forte Cultura
  3. “In the Footsteps of St Paul the Apostle of the Nations” Cultural Route
  4. Cyril and Methodius Route
  5. European Route of Atlantic Geotourism
  6. Templars Route
  7. Iron Age Danube Route
  8. Aeneas Route
  9. Alvar Aalto Route
  10. Via Molina - The European Mill Route
  11. Saint Francis Ways
  12. Via Nikolaiana
  13. Castle Road
  14. Places of peace
  15. Mary’s route
  16. European Route d’Artagnan

The Secretariat of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe (EPA) will now examine the submitted documentation in order to ascertain the completeness of the certification dossier and proceed with the selection of the independent experts in charge of drafting the evaluation reports.

According to the Resolution CM/Res(2013)67, the certified Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe and the candidate networks undergo an evaluation to be awarded the "Cultural Route of the Council of Europe" certification awarded by the Governing Board of the EPA which is constituted of representatives from each EPA member States.


For more information on the certification cycle, please see here.

Luxembourg, Luxembourg 6 August 2020
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