Powrót Execution by Italy of ECHR judgments concerning domestic violence and secondary victimisation

Execution by Italy of ECHR judgments concerning domestic violence and secondary victimisation

On 24 and 25 October, the Department for the Execution of Judgments participated in a seminar, organised in Naples by the Italian School of the Judiciary (Scuola Superiore della Magistratura), focusing on the effective implementation of the ECtHR judgments against Italy in the field of domestic violence (Talpis group of cases) and secondary victimisation (J.L. case).


The seminar provided a useful opportunity for dialogue and experience-sharing aimed at identifying viable and effective solutions to the shortcomings highlighted by the European Court’s judgments and the Committee of Ministers’ decisions, including through the application by national public prosecutors and courts concerned of ECHR-compliant practices. The event, which is the second in the framework of the “Strasbourg Workshop Project” of thematic seminars on the European Convention on Human Rights, is also valuable in the context of the invitation addressed in September/October 2020 by the Committee of Ministers to the Italian authorities to provide information on the relevant capacity-building for judges and prosecutors (CM/Del/Dec(2020)1383/H46-12).


The seminar was attended by public prosecutors specialised in the field, magistrates of ordinary courts and the Court of Cassation, the Judge in respect of Italy at the European Court, representatives from the Permanent Representation of Italy to the Council of Europe and the Ministry of Justice.

 Country factsheet - Italy

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